
Senior Audioholic
You seem to have forgotten, Congress got rid of others and the voters had zip to say about it. Santos was the last one.
Well, Congress can and has, most recently with Santos, but with all the hand wringing recently from the Democrats about a loss of democracy, one would think forced removal would be something they would frown upon.


Audioholic Spartan
Another was Ingraham having a Canadian trucker on who was a covid denier. Later he dies. I imagine later either Ingraham or another show made the announcement. To hide it. Oops, sorry. A YTer made the comment Ingraham was a "vampire." True words. :confused:


Audioholic Spartan
New covid vaccine due out in the fall. Fasten your seatbelts! :)


Audioholic Spartan
Just in time for scaremongering at election time?!:cool:
Agreed you just made my point. I'm not sold on the new vaccine for me yet, but I will see how this plays out. Remember Trump is partly responsible for these vaccines, and I think it is one of the good things he actually accomplished while in office.


Audioholic Ninja
Well, Congress can and has, most recently with Santos, but with all the hand wringing recently from the Democrats about a loss of democracy, one would think forced removal would be something they would frown upon.
Well, in 1980 the Demo's expelled one, and then in 2002 they expelled one. Both of these members of congress like Santos were charged with fraud or some misuse of funds..


Senior Audioholic
Sign posted at the reception desk at the endoscopy center where I got my colonoscopy today. Man, things have really changed! My intake nurse was wearing a mask but she was the only one.


Full Audioholic
The House Select Committee hearings on Coronavirus could have been an good opportunity to conduct a "lessons learned" exercise to assist in being better prepared for the next pandemic.

Instead - as could probably have been predicted - the questioning badgering of Dr. Fauci has become yet another example of unhinged GOP nonsense.
Pray to the altar of Dr Death Fauci . You idiots are sick as truck.


Audioholic Spartan
Looks like covid cases are starting to tick up again. No major death rates like 2020 and 2021 though. Maybe get a flu and covid shot yearly?


Audioholic Spartan
Looks like covid cases are starting to tick up again. No major death rates like 2020 and 2021 though. Maybe get a flu and covid shot yearly?
Looks like double shots until the double vaccines are available.


Senior Audioholic
I think air travel is very heavy this summer and the airlines have figured out how to cram full almost every flight. A friend of ours just flew back from Ireland in a full plane and ended up with covid after she got home. I suspect another contributor is that many people are refusing to just stay home when they are sick, so they go do whatever they want.


Audioholic Warlord
I think air travel is very heavy this summer and the airlines have figured out how to cram full almost every flight. A friend of ours just flew back from Ireland in a full plane and ended up with covid after she got home. I suspect another contributor is that many people are refusing to just stay home when they are sick, so they go do whatever they want.
What a great thing to read knowing I'll be on a plane next week.


Audioholic Samurai
According to this NYT article, gastrointestinal issues are a common symptom of COVID, but it is often overlooked.

>>>In some people, gastrointestinal symptoms hit during the first few days of an infection, before they develop a fever and cough. But many people who only experience stomach symptoms “never think of it as Covid,” Dr. Chin-Hong said.

Diarrhea is a common Covid-related gastrointestinal symptom, Dr. Chin-Hong said. People can also lose their appetite, and experience nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.<<<



Senior Audioholic
That is interesting.
It is, but doesn't this seem like something that could/should have already been known some time ago? There are only so many receptors in the respiratory tract to which the virus can bind, right? And I'm sure that such receptors have been extensively studied over the years, if only in the quest for compounds to deal with seasonal allergies.


Senior Audioholic
According to this NYT article, gastrointestinal issues are a common symptom of COVID, but it is often overlooked.

>>>In some people, gastrointestinal symptoms hit during the first few days of an infection, before they develop a fever and cough. But many people who only experience stomach symptoms “never think of it as Covid,” Dr. Chin-Hong said.

Diarrhea is a common Covid-related gastrointestinal symptom, Dr. Chin-Hong said. People can also lose their appetite, and experience nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.<<<

When my adult son got covid early in the pandemic, it was entirely an intestinal situation for him. He said it was the worst thing he ever experienced, with diarrhea and vomiting for about 9 days. He essentially couldn't eat or drink anything for that time. It was the most miserable he'd ever been.

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