I’m in the hospital



Audioholic Spartan
I have been off line all of Nov & probably a good part of October. So I missed all the fun.

I have lung cancer. Specifically, non-small cell adenocarcinoma. I never smoked. It’s very aggressive. It hit me like a freight train.

It also has already gone metastatic . It’s spread to my liver and brain, among other sites.

Until about five years ago such a diagnosis was a death sentence. I may be luckier than that. There are some very new medications that target a specific mutation borne in these types of tumors. It turns out my lung cancer has one of these mutations. For a bit over a week now I’ve been taking a drug called Selpercatinib — better known in my family as Super Catnip.
I don't have words. What words could be enough in a moment like this? This did hit hard I'm still processing it in. I pray for your recovery, I pray for you to stay out of that hospital as much as possible and with your family and online with us as much as possible. And I pray pray pray for your recovery.


Audioholic Samurai
I have been off line all of Nov & probably a good part of October. So I missed all the fun.

I have lung cancer. Specifically, non-small cell adenocarcinoma. I never smoked. It’s very aggressive. It hit me like a freight train.

It also has already gone metastatic . It’s spread to my liver and brain, among other sites.

Until about five years ago such a diagnosis was a death sentence. I may be luckier than that. There are some very new medications that target a specific mutation borne in these types of tumors. It turns out my lung cancer has one of these mutations. For a bit over a week now I’ve been taking a drug called Selpercatinib — better known in my family as Super Catnip.
That is obviously not good news, but at least the new treatments appear to be effective.

I was wondering where you've been lately.


Audioholic Warlord

I scanned this figure from the paper above. It shows a progression free survival curves for Super Catnip vs. Contol. See the large gap between the two curves. This is a very good result. I know most of you are not used to looking at these type of curves. More often and not the two curves converge. This is why I am so happy to get this drug.
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Audioholic Spartan
Here’s a very recent paper, Nov 16, 2023

https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2309457?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub 0pubmed#article_related_articles
Don’t try to read it all. In short, 212 patients with same disease as me took Selpercatinib (Super Catnip) or the standard 1st line treatments.

Those who took Super Catnip, as I am, did much much better
So are any of the side effects of taking Super Catnip that you develop catlike abilities? Maybe it will give you super powers. Super heroes can be created that way you know ;)


Audioholic Warlord
The data goes out to beyond 30 months. And that will continue for as long as 5 years.


Audioholic Samurai
It's so dumb that people who make smart choices and take care of themselves still get hammered with things like this, while others constantly tempt fate and live consequence-free lives. I am going to take up chain smoking since that seems to be the best prevention of lung cancer.

Get better, Swerd!
With luck, Kieth Richards will donate his body to science so we can get to the bottom of his seeming indestructibility.

Sending healing vibes to you, Swerd.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm so sorry for that diagnosis Swerd. My spirits dropped so hard on your opening. It felt like I just got punched in the gut and I'm gasping for air. I'm still grieving the loss of my wife to oral cancer.

From your subsequent posts, I see that there is real hope in you and your situation. I will say some prayers for you tonight and keep in you my thoughts. I wish for you and your family that you kick this pestilence and have a normal life with many MANY years ahead of you.


Audioholic Ninja
That's very sad news indeed. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. I genuinely hope that they are able to treat this successfully and we can benefit from your knowledge and wisdom for more years to come.


Audioholic Samurai
You get 9 lives for each month of capsules you buy
FWIW, I know a guy who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 11 years ago. The doctors told him to get his things in order, but he apparently decided to not die instead and he seems to be doing well (e.g. seeing U2 at the Sphere in Las Vegas recently). As I understand it, he has some lesions in his brain but they've responded to treatment and have not caused any problems.

At any rate, we're all pulling for you.


Audioholic Spartan

I scanned this figure from the paper above. It shows a progression free survival curves for Super Catnip vs. Contol. See the large gap between the two curves. This is a very good result. I know most of you are not used to looking at these type of curves. More often and not the two curves converge. This is why I am so happy to get this drug.
That looks like crap!!!

Oh...wait...I thought it was a graph of the frequency response of your last DIY build.

Soooo....looks great!


Audioholic Spartan
I'm sorry to hear about this. That's a real shock.

My thoughts are with you. Hang on! I hope that the catnip med will do a miracle for you.

Keep us posted.

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