
Audioholic Spartan
State fair-

Walked by a young woman who had short shorts on. Her lower ass was hanging out. A younger me would have been like o_O , but today my response is :D LOL.


Audioholic Spartan
where's the pic, or it didn't happen ....... ;)
I remember a morning radio show 15-20 years ago. Young woman calls in and said she was embarrassed because her crotch was hanging out. :p :D


Audioholic Spartan
Republicans-- feel free to correct me. There's no TYT, Majority Report etc on the conservative side that does any deep analysis on the left or their policies. I shouldn't say never. The Five does a little bit. Though there's not much in the way of journalism. So much of conservative ecosystem is built on narrative they really don't have anything to say. And if effects their base on the say www because that is their bread & butter. They will say the left own the media, the schools etc, but I've wondered if conservative media is already fixed on sensationalism. There is some good news like Cavuto and Baier, but there's not much in the way of a hard conservative doing hard journalism or analysis IMO. Or that's the feel. They might say the left control the DOJ, FBI etc, but I've wondered if they're even interested in journalism as a whole. I think their game plan has long been to not.


Audioholic Warlord
Republicans-- feel free to correct me. There's no TYT, Majority Report etc on the conservative side that does any deep analysis on the left or their policies. I shouldn't say never. The Five does a little bit. Though there's not much in the way of journalism. So much of conservative ecosystem is built on narrative they really don't have anything to say. And if effects their base on the say www because that is their bread & butter. They will say the left own the media, the schools etc, but I've wondered if conservative media is already fixed on sensationalism. There is some good news like Cavuto and Baier, but there's not much in the way of a hard conservative doing hard journalism or analysis IMO. Or that's the feel. They might say the left control the DOJ, FBI etc, but I've wondered if they're even interested in journalism as a whole. I think their game plan has long been to not.
The best statement I can remember about "Faux Journalism" is Michael Moore's 2002 Movie Bowling for Columbine. In this documentary, Moore sought explanations why the 1999 Columbine massacre occurred and why the US's violent crime rate (especially crimes committed with firearms) is substantially higher than those of other nations. Moore suggests a culture of fear created by the government and the media leads Americans to arm themselves, to the advantage of gun-making companies. He presented evididence that the fear-mongering that permeates American society contributes to our epidemic of gun violence.

In short, instead of hard journalism, the right-wing conservative media seeks to fan the flames of fear in the US. Once they saw how well they could do that, the same methods were used to whip up their viewers over the Sept. 11th attacks, foreigners in general especially Muslims, and more recently their favorite president The Orange Peril, and the Pandemic.

Of course, those who have eagerly consumed this culture of fear will vociferously deny all of this. I think Moore got it right.
Moore contrasts his portrayal of the US attitude toward guns and violence with the attitude prevailing in areas of Canada where gun ownership is at similar levels to the US. He illustrates his thesis by visiting neighborhoods in Canada near the Canada–US border, where he finds front doors unlocked and much less concern over crime and security. In regards to the film, Farber states "Moore's thesis, which he later elaborated in Fahrenheit 9/11, is that the fear-mongering that permeates American society contributes to our epidemic of gun violence". Moore shows news stories in Canada which do not follow the "if it bleeds it leads" mentality. This adds to Moore's argument that the media is driving America's fear as well as their need for protection.


Audioholic Spartan
Guess I'll have to experience the Joe Rogan Experience har har har.:rolleyes: I didn't care for some of his covid guests, but I can always find something else I like.:)


Audioholic Spartan
If nothing else I like the title. Towards the end along the lines of: Trump supporters like that he's an asshole. LOL. I have often felt that is the case with a few of these characters.


Audioholic Spartan
If nothing else I like the title. Towards the end along the lines of: Trump supporters like that he's an asshole. LOL. I have often felt that is the case with a few of these characters.
If that’s from the same poll that I read about then Republican Trump voters are interested in policy. :D


Audioholic Spartan
If nothing else I like the title. Towards the end along the lines of: Trump supporters like that he's an asshole. LOL. I have often felt that is the case with a few of these characters.
If that’s from the same poll that I read about then Republican Trump voters are interested in policy. :D
A golden age for assholes. Title still cracks me up. Yep, it starts with Trump. :p


Audioholic Spartan
More funny job stories

I cannot say with certainty its narcissism, but theres somerhing a miss with empathy. Elevator took nearly a month to repair. GM: I'm getting tired of hearing the residents complain! Cause its like taking a month to get it fixed?? ;)

If it's a cost basically forget about it. Effects the Co's bottom line, my bonus etc. Resident says to me temp maintenance guy told him: every thing around here is broke. :p

If it requires effort or help theres a strong feeling of resistance to it in the apt office. I have never really quite seen that level of lack of care.


Audioholic Spartan
Bye bye, Biden. $4.09 per gl here. Maybe $5 by winter. Cali would be like $6.5-$7 LOL. Think there was a headline they did not drill in the Alaskan. I can't bitch too much cause I voted for him, but definitely not next time. I bet if this continues cycle sales will break a record by next summer LOL.


Audioholic Spartan

The office fab blinks red a few times before turning green. If the battery dies they can't get in. I got my coffee early just in case. Probably tears of laughter LOL.


Seriously, I have no life.
Bye bye, Biden. $4.09 per gl here. Maybe $5 by winter. Cali would be like $6.5-$7 LOL. Think there was a headline they did not drill in the Alaskan. I can't bitch too much cause I voted for him, but definitely not next time. I bet if this continues cycle sales will break a record by next summer LOL.
WRT " I can't bitch too much cause I voted for him,"- why the hell not? Is he doing what you expected and want him to do? There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone bitching about the guy they voted for and he's failing, all the time. What has he done that went well?


Audioholic Spartan
WRT " I can't bitch too much cause I voted for him,"- why the hell not? Is he doing what you expected and want him to do? There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone bitching about the guy they voted for and he's failing, all the time. What has he done that went well?
Well America hasn't completely collapsed. It's more like one person said in 2020: I'll take a chance once, but better not a second time. I should have stayed home like I did in '16.


Audioholic Spartan
Well America hasn't completely collapsed. It's more like one person said in 2020: I'll take a chance once, but better not a second time. I should have stayed home like I did in '16.
not exercising your right to vote and staying home ranks right up there on the 'stupid' meter IMO. At a minimum, think like an Independent and write in ..........

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