What to put Audyssey mic on until I get proper stand ? Lfe issues



Audioholic Samurai
No, that's got them a bit too hot. Your Subwoofer range is –15.0dB to 0.0dB to +12.0dB in 0.5 dB steps (see Page 52 in your manual). So the gain on your Sub is too high as Audyssey can't pull it down, as it's probably up against the limits at –15.0dB. Just rotate the gain on each Sub down 25° and re-run Audyssey. Try to get them away from the limit more towards 0dB. It doesn't have to be exact.

Later, after you've got it setup, you can tweak the Sub if you find you want more. By the way, what are the crossover settings you are going with for the speakers? Typically folks should set their speakers to small and start with 80Hz.

I hope this is helpful.
Wow thanks for the information , I have such trouble reading guides. If they explain it I cannot find it, my fronts are 80hz I adjusted it after xt32 set them at 40hz. I can get pics of the other x overs . I literally got unlucky had the model right below multi sub eq, so I gotta eq it myself kinda?
I had subs same exact volume as each other last xt32run.
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Audioholic General
Turn off the Dynamic EQ and Dynamic Volume until after you have the system setup.


Audioholic General
I lowered sub gain to try again. Do I gotta run all 8 locations for proper sound? I’m trying to go around mlp in a 1 foot circle but I’m close to the wall .
Most receiver Audyssey set ups will let you bail out after doing a couple of locations. Your 818 even has a Quick Audyssey setup up which I think only uses one. The Manual (see Page 38) is quite weak on exactly what happens during this mode of setup.

You are making this hard with the present room configuration. How about we take a look at flipping the room end for end. Then maybe you can set the speakers and subs where you have a chance to get it setup for a decent Home Theater. (Even if it's only for a single couch.) Can you provide room dimensions with possible layouts for the speakers / TV in this case? (Just sketch it out and take a photo with your phone.) Or just provide it without speaker locations and I'll suggest some. Show locations of all doors & windows, and openings. Could you put the couch in forward of the entry door? That would leave a pathway into the other room I see in the photo. Can you provide a list of all equipment and their model numbers?

Stacking Height Speakers on top of the Mains is not worthwhile. It'll just mess the fronts up as well as themselves. Perhaps when the room is flipped you can use them for Front Wide Speakers, or Surrounds.

I hope this is helpful.


Audioholic Samurai
Most receiver Audyssey set ups will let you bail out after doing a couple of locations. Your 818 even has a Quick Audyssey setup up which I think only uses one. The Manual (see Page 38) is quite weak on exactly what happens during this mode of setup.

You are making this hard with the present room configuration. How about we take a look at flipping the room end for end. Then maybe you can set the speakers and subs where you have a chance to get it setup for a decent Home Theater. (Even if it's only for a single couch.) Can you provide room dimensions with possible layouts for the speakers / TV in this case? (Just sketch it out and take a photo with your phone.) Or just provide it without speaker locations and I'll suggest some. Show locations of all doors & windows, and openings. Could you put the couch in forward of the entry door? That would leave a pathway into the other room I see in the photo. Can you provide a list of all equipment and their model numbers?

Stacking Height Speakers on top of the Mains is not worthwhile. It'll just mess the fronts up as well as themselves. Perhaps when the room is flipped you can use them for Front Wide Speakers, or Surrounds.

I hope this is helpful.
Am I better off just going to 5.1 or 3.1 Again? I just figured because it was prologic 2z height not Atmos it wouldn’t hurt the soundstage . I could probably set my mic in center of room for calibration instead of mlp Klipch are so loud no way it would hurt anything ???
The issue is I got a sub in the corner and mlp is in the corner also . Both a no for xt32

I had it set up perfectly upstairs in center of my bedroom 7.1 rears no height ,but my mom made me rip down my shelf for surrounds and is now making me switch rooms.
this room is a compromise, I want to put a bigger tv in there just so hard to find a cheap tv stand w / center console. I could sit in the middle maybe of the couch with a bigger tv.
Bi amping does nothing or I’d try it , I’ll probably just end up with 2 channels not in use.

Surrounds are bipolar they aren’t direct firings, so I can’t locate them.
I’d like to flip the room around but no way my mom will let me have any control. I have a better sub collecting dust because it’s bigger . Plus I don’t want the door beside the couch, I gotta lose a few speakers prob.:(
It’s not an Atmos avr , heights don’t really do much. But surely sonic overload will ruin sound quality !!

Would I have to re run odyssey if I shut off front heights and put those speakers on surrounds duty ?
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Audioholic Samurai
Yea but mlp is in a corner 1.5-2.5 feet from a wall. so I gotta find the proper distance out of mlp to measure it With mic .
I turned gain down to 25% of max -11db is best tuning I’ve gotten from Odyssey.
Wouldn’t height still work because they’re matrixed? Even barely above towers?
Bounce Atmos is same thing basically although that’s considered bad. :D

this one says heights don’t really do much just take spot or back surrounds if-they won’t fit .
If I shut heights off odyssey won’t lose the calibration, right?
I wanna try 5.1 and 3.1 ch like you suggested.:D Oh I can run those sound modes without shutting them off .
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Audioholic General
@Kingnoob, please don't jump around so much. The first premise for Home Theater is a good speaker layout relative to the main listening position. That means getting you ear level speakers surrounding the listener at reasonable distances, heights, and angles. This requires a minimum of a 5.1 configuration.

See this for reference Dolby 5.1 Setup

To get anything reasonable you may have to rearrange the room. Forget about Pro-Logic codecs for now and focus on the fundamentals. Without a good basic setup, addons like Front Heights or Atmos Speakers, or synthesized sound processing (like Dynamic EQ, Dynamic Volume, Pro Logic, etc.) won't sound good anyway. Let's first get you a decent 5.1 configuration that works in your room with a Dolby TrueHD source, then you can worry about adding other things into the mix.

Please post the sketch previously requested, and all equipment details. Then I can advise next steps.

I hope this is helpful.


Audioholic Samurai
room layout , surround effects work just as good as being beside me in this position.
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Audioholic Samurai
@Kingnoob, please don't jump around so much. The first premise for Home Theater is a good speaker layout relative to the main listening position. That means getting you ear level speakers surrounding the listener at reasonable distances, heights, and angles. This requires a minimum of a 5.1 configuration.

See this for reference Dolby 5.1 Setup

To get anything reasonable you may have to rearrange the room. Forget about Pro-Logic codecs for now and focus on the fundamentals. Without a good basic setup, addons like Front Heights or Atmos Speakers, or synthesized sound processing (like Dynamic EQ, Dynamic Volume, Pro Logic, etc.) won't sound good anyway. Let's first get you a decent 5.1 configuration that works in your room with a Dolby TrueHD source, then you can worry about adding other things into the mix.

Please post the sketch previously requested, and all equipment details. Then I can advise next steps.

I hope this is helpful.
Surrounds gottta somewhere infront of me

I understand my surrounds aren’t set up in correct spots. My mom won’t Let me put a proper shelf up, or wall mounts. :(
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Audioholic General
@Kingnoob Please answer questions that I post as clearly as possible before moving onto other things. A methodical approach is more productive than jumping all over the place. If you don't want to answer the questions, I'll just butt out & let you try to get others to chime in and see where this thread goes.

Are you able to rearrange the room? (Flip it end for end and move the couch away from the wall (where the TV is now)? You can leave the bipolar speakers on those TV stands on each side of the couch - just a little (1 foot?) behind it, against the side walls. Put something small under each of them to get them up to ear level. They look too low. You may want to try your Height Speakers as your Surrounds instead. There's no point to them sitting on top of your Fronts. In such a small room I expect they could sound better than the bipolars, but without an equipment list (with model numbers) I'm just guessing.

Like I said above: "Let's first get you a decent 5.1 configuration that works in your room with a Dolby TrueHD source, then you can worry about adding other things into the mix.

Please post the sketch previously requested, and all equipment details. Then I can advise next steps.

I hope this is helpful."


Audioholic Samurai
@Kingnoob Please answer questions that I post as clearly as possible before moving onto other things. A methodical approach is more productive than jumping all over the place. If you don't want to answer the questions, I'll just butt out & let you try to get others to chime in and see where this thread goes.

Are you able to rearrange the room? (Flip it end for end and move the couch away from the wall (where the TV is now)? You can leave the bipolar speakers on those TV stands on each side of the couch - just a little (1 foot?) behind it, against the side walls. Put something small under each of them to get them up to ear level. They look too low. You may want to try your Height Speakers as your Surrounds instead. There's no point to them sitting on top of your Fronts. In such a small room I expect they could sound better than the bipolars, but without an equipment list (with model numbers) I'm just guessing.

Like I said above: "Let's first get you a decent 5.1 configuration that works in your room with a Dolby TrueHD source, then you can worry about adding other things into the mix.

Please post the sketch previously requested, and all equipment details. Then I can advise next steps.

I hope this is helpful."
Ok I’ll take a pic of it , I’m trying the way you suggested to set it up . I can’t move the couch or it blocks the front door, I may be better off running 3channels.
Mlp is I a corner that’s why xt32 keeps setting subwoofer so unusually, the other speakers sound fine. Worst spot for auto set up.
I can’t flip the room because a stairwell and a front door, and an elliptical sitting in here.
Sorry room sketch was so bad I tried. My parents aren’t home audio fans or id simply have wall mounted surrounds.:(
I’m doing the closest thing to 5.1 I can, I had perfect 7ch in bedroom. Now I’m stuck in this terrible room I know how to do 5ch, just I’m
In the corner and the couch is too large to move up . I’ll test it out tomorrow tell you how it sounds. If I just had a recliner it would been perfect I didn’t choose the couch.

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Audioholic General
Ok I’ll take a pic of it , I’m trying the way you suggested to set it up . I can’t move the couch or it blocks the front door, I may be better off running 3channels.
Mlp is I a corner that’s why xt32 keeps setting subwoofer so unusually, the other speakers sound fine. Worst spot for auto set up.
I can’t flip the room because a stairwell and a front door, and an elliptical sitting in here.
Sorry room sketch was so bad I tried. My parents aren’t home audio fans or id simply have wall mounted surrounds.:(
I’m doing the closest thing to 5.1 I can, I had perfect 7ch in bedroom. Now I’m stuck in this terrible room I know how to do 5ch, just I’m
In the corner and the couch is too large to move up . I’ll test it out tomorrow tell you how it sounds. If I just had a recliner it would been perfect I didn’t choose the couch.
Here's a quick sketch of what I'm suggesting based on the limited information and what I can glean from the photos posted.

The Red Lines are the door locations (3?) are far as I can figure from the photos. The outside door is still in the upper right corner but I flipped the system end for end. Notice the couch will create a walkway to the other room (that door is in the upper left corner of the sketch.) I think all of the speakers are Klipsch, but without Model Numbers I can't be sure where to set the crossover points for Audyssey.

I'd put the bookshelves on the TV stands up against the outside walls (with something under each to get their tweeters to ear level). Position them to meet the Dolby Spec but you can easily move them forward towards the TV to get them out of the doorways when not using them. And that should keep your Mom happy. Note how the rest of the speakers are all pulled away from the walls just a bit. The sound will envelope you and should be a considerable improvement.

Options could be to put the Sub (4) in the bottom right corner of the room outside of the Left Front (2) for more bass reinforcement. A second Sub could be added, even as a side table for the couch. Do the Sub Crawl to find a good spot.

I hope this is helpful.


Audioholic General
If you can't flip the room, you still need to get the surround speakers behind you for HT sound. That means those speakers need to move and the seating pulled away from the wall. Sort of like this:

The Red Lines are the door locations. The outside door is still in the upper right corner and the system is basically the same as you show in the photo. Notice the couch is pulled up away from the back wall.

I'd still put the bookshelves on the TV stands up against the outside walls (with something under each to get their tweeters to ear level). Position them to meet the Dolby Spec but you can easily move the left one forward towards the TV to get it out of the doorway when not using them. And that should keep your Mom happy.

I hope this is helpful.


Audioholic Samurai
If you can't flip the room, you still need to get the surround speakers behind you for HT sound. That means those speakers need to move and the seating pulled away from the wall. Sort of like this:
View attachment 59483
The Red Lines are the door locations. The outside door is still in the upper right corner and the system is basically the same as you show in the photo. Notice the couch is pulled up away from the back wall.

I'd still put the bookshelves on the TV stands up against the outside walls (with something under each to get their tweeters to ear level). Position them to meet the Dolby Spec but you can easily move the left one forward towards the TV to get it out of the doorway when not using them. And that should keep your Mom happy.

I hope this is helpful.
I can try to convince my mom to let me flip the room the opposite direction, but it probably won’t happen til I switch to my bigger tv sadly it’s not hdr:( I got the-wrong model.
im using a ancient 1080p 40” 2010 tv.

How I set it up for now, again it could take a lot of convincing they aren’t fans of speakers.
sounds pretty decent like this but it’s just more likely temporary. It’s not true surround sound until I got it set up like your sketches.
That sub in front or room isn’t turned on, I don’t have a laptop, rew or anything to level match it too my jamo 10”.
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Audioholic Samurai
If you can't flip the room, you still need to get the surround speakers behind you for HT sound. That means those speakers need to move and the seating pulled away from the wall. Sort of like this:
View attachment 59483
The Red Lines are the door locations. The outside door is still in the upper right corner and the system is basically the same as you show in the photo. Notice the couch is pulled up away from the back wall.

I'd still put the bookshelves on the TV stands up against the outside walls (with something under each to get their tweeters to ear level). Position them to meet the Dolby Spec but you can easily move the left one forward towards the TV to get it out of the doorway when not using them. And that should keep your Mom happy.

I hope this is helpful.
yes that’s close to how it was set up in my bedroom except I had a shelf so 4 surrounds total.
Any tips for finding a tv stand that fits my center?? This 40” tv is bad with motion, :(
I have a hard time looking at stuff, some are rather pricey..
I got subwoofer trim to -12.5 should I keep trying xt32 until it’s lower ?


Audioholic General
yes that’s close to how it was set up in my bedroom except I had a shelf so 4 surrounds total.
Any tips for finding a tv stand that fits my center?? This 40” tv is bad with motion, :(
I have a hard time looking at stuff, some are rather pricey..
I got subwoofer trim to -12.5 should I keep trying xt32 until it’s lower ?
Sorry no real tips for finding a low cost TV Stand other than Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace in your town. I migrated away from them years ago and into Wall Brackets.

In regards to the Sub setting, I wouldn't be too concerned as it's now at least off the limit.

If you can't get the surrounds behind you as suggested earlier (many times), I'd store them away until you can, as they'll just interfere with the Fronts if they are in front of you and mess the soundstage up.

I hope this is helpful.


Audioholic Samurai
Sorry no real tips for finding a low cost TV Stand other than Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace in your town. I migrated away from them years ago and into Wall Brackets.

In regards to the Sub setting, I wouldn't be too concerned as it's now at least off the limit.

If you can't get the surrounds behind you as suggested earlier (many times), I'd store them away until you can, as they'll just interfere with the Fronts if they are in front of you and mess the soundstage up.

I hope this is helpful.
thanks , mlp is in a bad spot hehe.
My main source isn’t 5.1 it’s 2.0 dd compressed , spectrum app.
so if I ran surrounds like I showed it’s a second pair of fronts basically. But yes I’m better off unplugging them, although it is a convincing mock surround it’s not true surround. :D
center does 90-100% of voice.I’m sadder I can’t use my sealed sub then losing 5.1…
Room is tiny 13’x 13’ x10’
It sounds pretty spectacular, maybe better then surrounds when they were behind me upstairs.
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Audioholic General
thanks , mlp is in a bad spot hehe.
My main source isn’t 5.1 it’s 2.0 dd compressed , spectrum app.
so if I ran surrounds like I showed it’s a second pair of fronts basically. But yes I’m better off unplugging them, although it is a convincing mock surround it’s not true surround. :D
center does 90-100% of voice.I’m sadder I can’t use my sealed sub then losing 5.1…
Room is tiny 13’x 13’ x10’
You room isn't that tiny. It reminds me of the space I have in the Man Cave /Junk Room we have in the basement. (We have 3 Home Theater set-ups in our home and another at the family Cabin. I'm a bit of a nut for decent sound.) In the Man Cave /Junk Room I use about half the space (about 12'x13' of the approximately 12'x26' room.) for my HT setup / Main PC / Treadmill. (The other half is full of junk / storage for stuff we can't seem to part with.) The PC has Dual Monitors which I also output it to the 55" Samsung LED TV there via a Denon AVR-S900W. The only seat used is an old Lazyboy Recliner that my Misses punted out of the Games Room (on the main floor) when we renovated that floor in 2018. Her decorator ganged up with her on me saying the Lazyboy was so "old school" and just didn't fit their concept. (I got my way with the system in the Games Room and put in an Atmos system 9.2.4 capable gear.)

Anyway, you shouldn't give up on a proper HT setup. As far as losing the sealed Sub, a lot of folks here believe there's no such think as too much "Subwooferage". Although with one dialed back to -12.5dB, I don't see much point in adding another. If you can get the layout fixed, you may be able to have one at the front of the room and the rear to even things out. For now, just go with 3.1 and enjoy what you have.

I don't understand what you mean by "My main source isn’t 5.1 it’s 2.0 dd compressed , spectrum app."? Can you clarify?


Audioholic Samurai
You room isn't that tiny. It reminds me of the space I have in the Man Cave /Junk Room we have in the basement. (We have 3 Home Theater set-ups in our home and another at the family Cabin. I'm a bit of a nut for decent sound.) In the Man Cave /Junk Room I use about half the space (about 12'x13' of the approximately 12'x26' room.) for my HT setup / Main PC / Treadmill. (The other half is full of junk / storage for stuff we can't seem to part with.) The PC has Dual Monitors which I also output it to the 55" Samsung LED TV there via a Denon AVR-S900W. The only seat used is an old Lazyboy Recliner that my Misses punted out of the Games Room (on the main floor) when we renovated that floor in 2018. Her decorator ganged up with her on me saying the Lazyboy was so "old school" and just didn't fit their concept. (I got my way with the system in the Games Room and put in an Atmos system 9.2.4 capable gear.)

Anyway, you shouldn't give up on a proper HT setup. As far as losing the sealed Sub, a lot of folks here believe there's no such think as too much "Subwooferage". Although with one dialed back to -12.5dB, I don't see much point in adding another. If you can get the layout fixed, you may be able to have one at the front of the room and the rear to even things out. For now, just go with 3.1 and enjoy what you have.

I don't understand what you mean by "My main source isn’t 5.1 it’s 2.0 dd compressed , spectrum app."? Can you clarify?
It’s essentially stereo or something?


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