

Audioholic Spartan
Muslims do not hate Jews or anybody who's faith is Abrahamic. What they don't like are the Zionists.
Not quite that easy to separate religion from anti-Semitism that is so prevalent in the Middle East. Sweden have many immigrants from that region and anti-Semitism is strong in that group as well, including their children growing up here.
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
C'mon. Do you know who the Taliban is?
I never met one personally, have you? Didn't Joe transport a few hundred thousand here and around the world? May have a few living soon in your neighborhood. Come think of it, I could care less about that race of people that enslaves their women and won't allow their children schooling. Don't them dashiki do rap dudes still chop off hands, when one of their people's get caught stealing? and stone their women to death if caught committing adultery? Yeah I know of um. Maybe their the lost tribe, could be the Canaanites. But they sure love them huge poppy fields they grow. Isn't Cocaine their main cash crop or is it heroin? Nothing good about Da Taliban. But I'd wouldn't bet my last buck you know anything good of um. But go ahead take anything more out of context of anyone of my post ups on this thread. I'm retiring I got all night I'll be waiting.
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Audioholic Spartan
I never met one personally, have you? Didn't Joe transport a few hundred thousand here and around the world? May have a few living soon in your neighborhood. Come think of it, I could care less about that race of people that enslaves their women and won't allow their children schooling. Don't them dashiki do rap dudes still chop off hands, when one of their people's get caught stealing? and stone their women to death if caught committing adultery? Yeah I know of um. Maybe their the lost tribe, could be the Canaanites. But they sure love them huge poppy fields they grow. Isn't Cocaine their main cash crop or is it heroin? Nothing good about Da Taliban.
WTF are you talking about?
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
WTF are you talking about?
What part of that post you didn't understand? You didn't watch all those planes leaving Afghanistan? You haven't noticed over the last 20 years of that War. Surely you saw or read some of the atrocities the Taliban committed and still are. Hope that clears it up for you. What? Guess your gonna come with one of your politically correct comments? Just don't be WONK about it, like your comments usually are.
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Audioholic Spartan
What part of that post you didn't understand? You didn't watch all those planes leaving Afghanistan? You haven't noticed over the last 20 years of that War. Surely you see saw or read some of the atrocities to Taliban committed and still are. Hope that clears it up for you. What? Guess your gonna come with one of your politically correct comments? Just don't be WONK about it, like your comments usually are.
The Talibans is not a race nor did “Joe” transport several hundred thousands of them here and around the world.


Audioholic Spartan
This will help to enlighten
View attachment 57019
I think Max had it right to begin with: America is a Republic democracy. Neither side likes to acknowledge the other word though. Say if America was a 'representative Republic', it suggests, to me anyway, there's no punishment for abuse of power. You just keep voting the Republican in. You just have to look at MTG, Boebert, Gosar, etc. Surely a Republican within those districts could run against them based on merit/not being like them. Alas that doesn't suggest to me what they'd do.
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
I think Max had it right to begin with: America is a Republic democracy. Neither side likes to acknowledge the other word though. Say if America was a 'representative Republic', it suggests, to me anyway, there's no punishment for abuse of power. You just keep voting the Republican in. You just have to look at MTG, Boebert, Gosar, etc. Surely a Republican within those districts could run against them based on merit/not being like them. Alas that doesn't suggest to me what they'd do.
I'm an independent I don't pull for either party. I say F..k Republican party and screw Democratic party. You guy's are making a big deal of my post. Never started I was politically correct. Those post I posted up are just my comments about those issues don't like them don't read them. What you or the other's choose to believe that's their right.

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