
Audioholic Spartan
The one Congress officially adopted. But yep there where a few before than what is recited now in the classrooms of schools. Rather one agrees with, "One Nation under God" being added, is irrelevant. From the original pledge of allegiance to the current being used, all of them "to the Republic for which it stands" But I guess you could ask God which political party the Angels pull for. Last paragraph is a joke Chris not meant to be taken seriously. Religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution. Now mixing politics and religion, when has that ever stopped with any affiliation running for public office. Isn't Joe Biden and his wife practicing Catholics.
".....under God" I think is the problem. Implies God rules over the people. Plus "angels" are not a real thing, or one that can be demonstrated to exist. Probably the biggest culprit though is the bible and all the blood in it. So there was Jesus there to rescue civilization during the Dark Ages. Whether it's true, nobody really knows.
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Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, blood sacrifice is/was a big thing in the Bible. Isn't a blood sacrifice necessary for freedom? I'd say the Dark Ages are still here just with a modern twist. Top of the morning to you bro! Good thread you have here. Gotta get more coffee. Cheers!
I think we're in the clear. Dark Ages was a savage period.


Republican Party Platform 2022

Lie, Cheat, Steal 2022

(pathetic, our two party system has been co-opted by Russia)
Wow! The Republicans say the same thing, so does the Socialist part, and every other political party. The issue has never been
party lines, but it does have to do with REAL power and the REAL exchange of currencies between regions in the world. Oil is the
product being exchanged for what? Grain(S), soy, food? Raw product and war material is on the rise everywhere. HUGE land
grabs have been going on for 30 years. The last 10 it has doubled. Just because you own the land doesn't mean you keep the land.
Get real. Millions of acres have been taken with the signing of a paper. Putin's quackin' about Alaska. Let Sarah Palin take care
of him or some body up there.

Need to get real about the left and the right BS. That has never been the problem. It's never been color or religion. It's about power,
control and misdirection. The world still has Kings, Queens, Dukes and all that. Are you kidding?
Russia has oligarchs, whoopty Doo. Who caused the wars? Russia or Putin? Putin and his cronies. George Bush Jr did the same thing
with his cronies. The region is still unstable. Syria? Iran? Afghanistan. I'm just glad they didn't do something like attack Israel, YET.
No matter the country, their capitol is a target, Israel doesn't play games. Neither does India or Turkey or Japan or Germany, or Poland
or Siberia (I wonder about Siberians, I bet they wouldn't show up), or Finland, (can be mean ass people too).

What about South America? You think they just pick corn and coca leaves? I'd work a deal and have them help out Ukraine's labor and
military. They won't put up camps around Chernobyl, that's for sure.

China? Ask Kissinger, he was wrong about every thing else. What ever he says it's the opposite. :cool:
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
Wow! The Republicans say the same thing, so does the Socialist part, and every other political party. The issue has never been
party lines, but it does have to do with REAL power and the REAL exchange of currencies between regions in the world. Oil is the
product being exchanged for what? Grain(S), soy, food? Raw product and war material is on the rise everywhere. HUGE land
grabs have been going on for 30 years. The last 10 it has doubled. Just because you own the land doesn't mean you keep the land.
Get real. Millions of acres have been taken with the signing of a paper. Putin's quackin' about Alaska. Let Sarah Palin take care
of him or some body up there.

Need to get real about the left and the right BS. That has never been the problem. It's never been color or religion. It's about power,
control and misdirection. The world still has Kings, Queens, Dukes and all that. Are you kidding?
Russia has oligarchs, whoopty Doo. Who caused the wars? Russia or Putin? Putin and his cronies. George Bush Jr did the same thing
with his cronies. The region is still unstable. Syria? Iran? Afghanistan. I'm just glad they didn't do something like attack Israel, YET.
No matter the country, their capitol is a target, Israel doesn't play games. Neither does India or Turkey or Japan or Germany, or Poland
or Siberia (I wonder about Siberians, I bet they wouldn't show up), or Finland, (can be mean ass people too).

What about South America? You think they just pick corn and coca leaves? I'd work a deal and have them help out Ukraine's labor and
military. They won't put up camps around Chernobyl, that's for sure.

China? Ask Kissinger, he was wrong about every thing else. What ever he says it's the opposite. :cool:
Yeah, you get it!! Try not to be to honest. May- will upset many! Socialist, the few with power. Want to rule the masses with one power.


Senior Audioholic
Those who keep believing in that two party system. Bloated entitlement, bloated propaganda. From both of those parties. This country is a Republic. Recite this country's pledge of allegiance, come back and tell me it's not.
If you have a right to vote, you live in a democracy. We live in a democratic Republic now. That wasn't the case in 1787. The vast majority of bloated entitlements go to those who are not citizens which are corporations and there is no right to incorporate which in fact was illegal in two of the original States.


Senior Audioholic
The one Congress officially adopted. But yep there where a few before than what is recited now in the classrooms of schools. Rather one agrees with, "One Nation under God" being added, is a choice. This is a Nation of free choice. From the original pledge of allegiance to the current being used, "to the Republic for which it stands" But I guess one could ask God which political party the Angels pull for if one believes. Last paragraph is a joke Chris not meant to be taken seriously. Religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution. Now mixing politics and religion, when has that ever stopped with any affiliation running for public office. Isn't Joe Biden and his wife practicing Catholics.
The Pledge of Allegiance was authored by a well known socialist.


Audioholic Jedi
The one Congress officially adopted. But yep there where a few before than what is recited now in the classrooms of schools. Rather one agrees with, "One Nation under God" being added, is a choice. This is a Nation of free choice. From the original pledge of allegiance to the current being used, "to the Republic for which it stands" But I guess one could ask God which political party the Angels pull for if one believes. Last paragraph is a joke Chris not meant to be taken seriously. Religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution. Now mixing politics and religion, when has that ever stopped with any affiliation running for public office. Isn't Joe Biden and his wife practicing Catholics.
Yes, the one they adopted in the middle of the anti-communism nonsense that McCarthy was whipping up. Separation of religion from government was more my point, you can have religion if you want in your own life, but keep it out of government....
Replicant 7

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Audioholic Samurai
Does the MAGA crowd know this?
They do, they'll just get mad if you remind them about it. If you happen to see one of them that's wearing a MAGA hat and the hat is on backwards. Run! :D
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Audioholic Samurai
Well, it would exclude lie, cheat, steal, sex except for reproduction, and a bunch of other goodies that I didn't sign up for. :D
Lolo nice!! LMAO!! I'm rolling over here. That right there is a campaign slogan!
"Exclude and except"<this!! Lol should match up well with Hillary Clinton's, deplorables statement. LMAO. " Except and Exclude" got a ring to it, sure one of them nut jobs running for office next presidential election will,.. wait a minute they been using that! Exclude and Except or Except and Exclude. Works either way no matter how you look at it. Dam politicians been pulling and switching rues on us the whole time. ;)
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Seriously, I have no life.
Okay, what is with them blaming the Jews for everything? I ended a friendship with a guy who had that view. Well, he has a lot of other bigoted views too and thats why I eventually ended it, but the Jewish thing I never really understood. Is it a Christian nationalist thing? Those guys are a bigger problem in and of themselves in this country.
Hatred of Jews is about 1000 years old, but the hands of so many Christians are dirty that it's hard to blame only Muslims for their hatred of Jews. They were blamed for Plagues, financial depressions, all kinds of problems.

Amazing that Christians might hate Jews when Christ is still called 'King of The Jews'.


Senior Audioholic
Hatred of Jews is about 1000 years old, but the hands of so many Christians are dirty that it's hard to blame only Muslims for their hatred of Jews. They were blamed for Plagues, financial depressions, all kinds of problems.

Amazing that Christians might hate Jews when Christ is still called 'King of The Jews'.
Muslims do not hate Jews or anybody who's faith is Abrahamic. What they don't like are the Zionists.
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
Francis Julius Bellamy was an American Christian socialist Baptist minister and author, best known for writing the original version of the US Pledge of Allegiance in 1892.
What about this dude :)

This!!:D Baptist? :rolleyes:
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
Muslims do not hate Jews or anybody who's faith is Abrahamic. What they don't like are the Zionists.
I agree to a point but it wasn't always like that. Muslims hands are dirty also. Taliban ring a bell?

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