You think I haven't?
He's already made up his mind, it doesn't matter what trail of logic someone might try to lay out now, he ain't hearing it. I would (and have before) just stop talking to him but we've known each other and been good friends for a very long time. I felt like I was getting somewhere with him then this happened and now we're right back to square 1. Pft. Square zero now. It's so frustrating.
Yeah I've taken breaks from my buddy before I remember I had to ask him to leave one day when I was hosting a party because he just got argumentative with all my guests over some of his theories. And by argumentative I mean he crossed some lines he shouldn't have.
So I get you. But I know you would regret not being there for him and his mom. So just remember this is about her hold your breath dive in and take frequent sanity breaks as needed.
I've always thought these episodes are like a form of obsessive compulsion with my friend and I noticed he gets really bad when stressed or upset like any other mental quirk it'll come out more when the brain is hyper stimulated.
The worst thing to do is argue him with logic. As you probably know it's like going down a rabbit hole.
I've always found staying grounded with simple things like well right now I can't change that: or Id be pissed right now too but how is getting upset going to help your mom.
Reminding him that she needs you to be strong when she can speak to you and we can't change what the hospital or gov is doing right now. focus your energy on what you can do or what she wants is there things she'll need when she gets home? That stuff is usually a better way in for my friend.
Most importantly remind him your his friend you love him no matter what if he needs to talk or vent or if you can help your here for him.
And then take those sanity breaks!!!! Lol