How the Political parties are changing and Trump.

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Audioholic Jedi
LOL drumphy not a racist, that's rich. He is definitely ego driven. Not a very good businessman, only rising real estate values have kept this fool afloat. Several have made bigger fortunes in NY real estate, supposedly drumph's home turf where he's "the bestest". A roast is a roast, it's meant to get under his skin and it did, unlikely he'll ever agree to that again any more than he'd attend the white house press roasts....his ego is too fragile. He's just a pathetic piece of poop human (and that's a stretch callling this guy human).


Seriously, I have no life.
LOL drumphy not a racist, that's rich. He is definitely ego driven. Not a very good businessman, only rising real estate values have kept this fool afloat. Several have made bigger fortunes in NY real estate, supposedly drumph's home turf where he's "the bestest". A roast is a roast, it's meant to get under his skin and it did, unlikely he'll ever agree to that again any more than he'd attend the white house press roasts....his ego is too fragile. He's just a pathetic piece of poop human (and that's a stretch callling this guy human).
His vocabulary is like a 5 year old, constantly bragging about his dog (if he liked animals), his bike, hell, I don't want to try to think like him.


Audioholic Jedi
His vocabulary is like a 5 year old, constantly bragging about his dog (if he liked animals), his bike, hell, I don't want to try to think like him.
Drumphy and dog, what? Bike? What are you on about?


Audioholic Spartan
Okay @Dal1as why I dislike Trump

Not because he's racist or a white supremacist or anything of that nature. He could be I don't think it can be proven. I mean even his supporters say he is an ego maniac and an asshole. They excuse it off with that's just how he is so yeah behind closed doors who knows? But most of that spin is media based and difficult to outright prove

I still remember way back in 2016 all the people at his roasting party before the election. I mean if your so racist how the f#$ck is snoop dog and other black celebrities going to be at your party

He was roasted by every body having a great time it's all fun and games because NOBODY really thought he had a chance in hell at winning

Then he won. And sh$t stopped being funny real quick. And it got ugly real fast so nah I don't buy that media spin. That's not why I don't like him
And I don't believe he caused an insurrection at the capitol.

If that was an insurrection that is the sorriest attempt at one I think I've ever seen.

Did he disrespect the constitution? Hell yeah

Did he show his true colors? His ego? His inability to be a good loser. Or to grasp reality?

Yep yep yep yep to all the above

But if I were to pull off an insurrection I would've sent in some serious players in with that mob. They wouldn't have been playing around in senators offices.

They would have killed my opposition and then I would have brought in the military both in the capital and with martial law. NOW THAT is an insurrection

What we had at the capital was amateur hour. Just Trump being Trump whining and bi@tching and making excuses all to save face to his base, have an excuse why he lost, and to spin a narrative so he could come back in 2024

So he gaslight those retards to go over there and protest! Never realizing because he doesn't think about anything but himself that they would ever pull off the sh$t they did. I guarantee you when he wound them up and sent them down there never in a billion years Did he think it would have gone down the way it did. But his reaction to it after was telling it showed not only how stupid he is but it really showed his true colours

Did he cause it yep! Do I hate him for it? Yep. Was it disruptive of a democratic process? Yep but an insurrection? No. He's not smart enough to pull that off.

One unforgivable thing to me is he showed and still shows not even the slightest remorse for the trouble he got those morons into. Or remorse for what it did to our democratic process. Never remorse or an apology. He only came out and made a statement because if he hadn't he would have faced legal charges and the possible ruin of his career.

But he didn't care. Not about those people. Or about the party or about democracy. All he cares about is himself. F#ck that b@tch he gaslit those people all those people and left them there to rot. No leader does that to his people ever. And while I will never vote for him because of the capital or ever support him.

It's not why I really really hate him that comes next


Seriously, I have no life.
Drumphy and dog, what? Bike? What are you on about?
Little kids bragging, his vocabulary- no difference. It's hard to listen to him speak. Limbaugh was the same- irritating. The frat boy on Fox is in the same group.


Audioholic Spartan
And I don't believe he caused an insurrection at the capitol.

If that was an insurrection that is the sorriest attempt at one I think I've ever seen.

Did he disrespect the constitution? Hell yeah

Did he show his true colors? His ego? His inability to be a good loser. Or to grasp reality?

Yep yep yep yep to all the above

But if I were to pull off an insurrection I would've sent in some serious players in with that mob. They wouldn't have been playing around in senators offices.

They would have killed my opposition and then I would have brought in the military both in the capital and with martial law. NOW THAT is an insurrection

What we had at the capital was amateur hour. Just Trump being Trump whining and bi@tching and making excuses all to save face to his base, have an excuse why he lost, and to spin a narrative so he could come back in 2024

So he gaslight those retards to go over there and protest! Never realizing because he doesn't think about anything but himself that they would ever pull off the sh$t they did. I guarantee you when he wound them up and sent them down there never in a billion years Did he think it would have gone down the way it did. But his reaction to it after was telling it showed not only how stupid he is but it really showed his true colours

Did he cause it yep! Do I hate him for it? Yep. Was it disruptive of a democratic process? Yep but an insurrection? No. He's not smart enough to pull that off.

One unforgivable thing to me is he showed and still shows not even the slightest remorse for the trouble he got those morons into. Or remorse for what it did to our democratic process. Never remorse or an apology. He only came out and made a statement because if he hadn't he would have faced legal charges and the possible ruin of his career.

But he didn't care. Not about those people. Or about the party or about democracy. All he cares about is himself. F#ck that b@tch he gaslit those people all those people and left them there to rot. No leader does that to his people ever. And while I will never vote for him because of the capital or ever support him.

It's not why I really really hate him that comes next
Here's why I can't ever support him. He is a terrible incompetent leader. When sh$t hit the fan when we needed him to step up. He let us down.

I could give a fu$%ck how nice you are as long as you can lead this nation and do your job I'd respect you.

First with the pandemic. He ffed that up. Has encouraged the politicization of the response.

He also throws his subordinates under the bus publicly something I find inexcusable what he did with Fauci was unforgivable. He knew if he lost the economy he's not getting reelected. And as soon as the science didn't support his precious economy. Well throw them under the bus. I hate him for that.

Many on here know I was very against lockdowns maybe because I've been homeless and I knew what was going happen to so many and it struck a nerve especially when no vaccines were in sight.

But I did support masks, distancing and science. When it became apparent Republicans weren't going to comply with those things I remember apologizing publicly on this forum to @TLS Guy for being wrong. Never in a billion years Did I think conservatives who are supposed to be logical facts before feelings rational not in there feelings like liberals you blah blah blah would ever be so irrational and illogical about basic science!!!! And Trump was a huge gaslighter for parts of that. I can't forgive that

No leader rebukes his supporters in public you always hash that out behind closed doors

And now that there are vaccines?!!! That he supposedly operation Warp speeded but thanks to his dumb ass gaslighting so many conservatives won't even take them? I can't forgive you for that mother fu#%er
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Audioholic Spartan
Here's why I can't ever support him. He is a terrible incompetent leader. When sh$t hit the fan when we needed him to step up. He let us down.

I could give a fu$%ck how nice you are as long as you can lead this nation and do your job I'd respect you.

First with the pandemic. He ffed that up. Has encouraged the politicization of the response.

He also throws his subordinates under the bus publicly something I find inexcusable what he did with Fauci was unforgivable. He knew if he lost the economy he's not getting reelected. And as soon as the science didn't support his precious economy. Well throw them under the bus. I hate him for that.

Many on here now I was very against lockdowns maybe because I've been homeless and I knew what was going happen to so many and it struck a nerve especially when no vaccines were in sight.

But I did support masks, distancing and science. When it became apparent Republicans weren't going to comply with those things I remember apologizing publicly on this forum to @TLS Guy for being wrong. Never in a billion years Did I think conservatives who are supposed to be logical facts before feelings rational not in there feelings like liberals you blah blah blah would ever be so irrational and illogical about basic science!!!! And Trump was a huge gaslighter for parts of that. I can't forgive that

No leader rebukes his supporters in public you always hash that out behind closed doors
He is a complete incompetent strategist. He cost us the Senate with his antics.

If he would have just lost with some dignity. Sat back and let Biden do what's Biden is going to do and not made conservatives look like a bunch of nut jobs supported that senate race conservatives never would have lost the senate in the first damn place

BUT he just couldn't do that could he? His fu$%in ego wouldn't let him that told me all I needed to know right there

He is emotional irrational prideful egotistical self centered he can't think about the long view wants to take all the credit none of the blame. He is the opposite of what a real leader should be

When your own supporters say damn he should let his press secretary do all his talking for him and stay off Twitter because well you know how he is? That should have spoken volumes

Man if you can't be adult enough to handle yourself on social media or open up your mouth about issues. All that shows me is your incompetent morally and psychologically to do the damn job.


Audioholic Jedi
Little kids bragging, his vocabulary- no difference. It's hard to listen to him speak. Limbaugh was the same- irritating. The frat boy on Fox is in the same group.
Yes, he's of very limited education and vocabulary. Limbaugh was never even worth listening to, and either would have been drumph had he not been elected president by a really sad bunch of voters.


Audioholic Spartan
I won't support conservatives as long as they support him. I will stand against my own party. I'll speak up all the fu#$ing time.

And if worse comes to worse if a real candidate comes up in the democratic side that isn't spouting a bunch of woke a$$ b.s. white supremacy b.s. defund police b.s. and all the other idiotic crap they advocate that helps solve none of our real problems if a democratic candidate comes forth who has actual decent policies that will help all Americans and our problems

truck yeah I'll say it I'll vote against him. I will stand against my party if I feel they are in the wrong and someone can come along who can make things right on the democratic side I'll say it loudly and proudly. But if we get another Biden Harris combo then I won't vote for either

F$ck that I won't roll from one side of the pig sty to the other.


Audioholic Jedi
I won't support conservatives as long as they support him. I will stand against my own party. I'll speak up all the fu#$ing time.

And if worse comes to worse if a real candidate comes up in the democratic side that isn't spouting a bunch of woke a$$ b.s. white supremacy b.s. defund police b.s. and all the other idiotic crap they advocate that helps solve none of our real problems if a democratic candidate comes forth who has actual decent policies that will help all Americans and our problems

truck yeah I'll say it I'll vote against him. I will stand against my party if I feel they are in the wrong and someone can come along who can make things right on the democratic side I'll say it loudly and proudly. But if we get another Biden Harris combo then I won't vote for either

F$ck that I won't roll from one side of the pig sty to the other.
It's a pig stye no matter what you think/feel/vote :) Nature of the beast. Woke ass white supremacy is a conflict in terms, tho.


Audioholic Spartan
I've got to run. Later maybe tommorow @Dal1as I'll tell you why I think you shouldn't be sooooooo cocky about Republicans sweeping in 2022.

Democrats are doing some dumb things I'll give you that but Republicans are doing some just as stupid if not stupider in my opinion but at least democrats are not ignorant of science. And of basic human empathy that portrays them as caring about certain social or political issues.

Even if you could argue that they really don't care about those things. Say your right AT LEAST THEY ACT like they do. You want to know how they got an edge on social media big tech and other areas? Why there kicking conservative assess all over the place on those types of platforms?

Because they look like they care. Sometimes and I've learned this big time in serving humans in mental health. Caring about your feelings might just help when I need to talk to you about some facts. Republicans of late are so fuggin tone deaf when it comes to some to these types of issues and the subtle nuances and it kills them.

But that will be my final thoughts on this thread tommorow evening

It is labor day weekend gotta run


Audioholic Spartan
It's a pig stye no matter what you think/feel/vote :) Nature of the beast. Woke ass white supremacy is a conflict in terms, tho.
Fair enough you definetly make a good point on the pig sty


Seriously, I have no life.
Yes, he's of very limited education and vocabulary. Limbaugh was never even worth listening to, and either would have been drumph had he not been elected president by a really sad bunch of voters.
I worked with someone who would change the radio station to Limbaugh's show and it infuriated me. I could never stand listening to him. Pretty well defines 'pompous ass'.


Audioholic Spartan
I've got to run. Later maybe tommorow @Dal1as I'll tell you why I think you shouldn't be sooooooo cocky about Republicans sweeping in 2022.

Democrats are doing some dumb things I'll give you that but Republicans are doing some just as stupid if not stupider in my opinion but at least democrats are not ignorant of science. And of basic human empathy that portrays them as caring about certain social or political issues.

Even if you could argue that they really don't care about those things. Say your right AT LEAST THEY ACT like they do. You want to know how they got an edge on social media big tech and other areas? Why there kicking conservative assess all over the place on those types of platforms?

Because they look like they care. Sometimes and I've learned this big time in serving humans in mental health. Caring about your feelings might just help when I need to talk to you about some facts. Republicans of late are so fuggin tone deaf when it comes to some to these types of issues and the subtle nuances and it kills them.

But that will be my final thoughts on this thread tommorow evening

It is labor day weekend gotta run
The "compassionate" conservative from the 90s with Newt Gingrich. Or "We believe in vaccinations too!!!" It's as if Republicans are always a step behind in that regard but can't look into the mirror as to why. It might have something to do with owning the libs and the general social climate they've created, particularly under Trump. Finesse and nuance are not a part of their vocabulary or articulating their policy. I wouldn't say the Dems are articulating much either, but they simply have more on the character problems of Republicans. Oh hey there's Gym Jordan, Gaetz, MTG, etc. Lets air that. That is until they've spend their way out of office. However, Trump diehards don't seem to be able to comprehend why he lost the election. Behavior, climate, too polarizing etc. He should've won in an automatic slamdunk with "the greatest economy ever" but blundered it.


Audioholic Spartan
I worked with someone who would change the radio station to Limbaugh's show and it infuriated me. I could never stand listening to him. Pretty well defines 'pompous ass'.
"You heard it hear first!" etc. I got tired of him quickly because there's always been too much self-promotion with him. Limbaugh spearheaded the shock jock/opinion host movement in conservative media. Hard journalism took a back seat IMO.


Audioholic General
I completely disagree with you and that's fine.

Trump lost a LOT of money and he knew he would doing what he did. He's probably the only politician to ever lose money by taking office. Why do all our elected officials become multi millionaires?
No way in hell Trump lost money. NONE.

This is naïve beyond.


Audioholic General
So many republicans are still in denial of what has become of GOP and the consequences for democracy by continuing voting for that party. Over here in EU we have Poland and Hungary that are dismantling democracy while the rest of EU looks helplessly at it, but they are examples of what GOP are attempting to do at home.
You forgot to mention Turkey.

Of honorable mention is England with breaking from the EU.


Audioholic General
It continues.

Tenants have moved out of the Trump Tower, no longer paying rent. One exception is Trump’s own Political Action Committee (PAC), legally able to collect unlimited campaign donations. His PAC rents space in his building for $37,000 a month, $444,000 per year! Those campaign donations go straight into his pockets. What a fraud!
I am familiar with this grift.

The man needs to be jailed, period.
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