I feel that your just making my point. They already won't follow rules responsibly even when they are enforced as laws. All it does is slow people down. But take off the speed bumps and what's going to happen
You feel your way I feel mine. Here's how I feel you need some kind of regulations with even the legal side of gun control. You can't trust the masses to do the right thing.
You gotta compromise. Refusing to compromise because some people out there won't follow the laws so what's the point of even trying type of point is not good enough of a discouraging point to convince me.
Well you know, I guess I don’t necessarily consider myself as a Second Amendment extremist but I still do believe that a lot of gun control laws are in fact unconstitutional. I realize there’s bad people on this planet and no, I do believe there are some people that shouldn’t be allowed to have guns and at least when the laws finally catches up to them they’re usually dealt with and handled accordingly but on certain things, I guess as far as having to fill out a redundant background check every time I want to go purchase a gun legally, I have nothing on my record to hide but what I don’t like is this proposition to still make me wait how ever long of time they’re pushing for when a normal background check is usually pretty thorough at looking at enough reason why an FFL dealer shouldn’t sell a gun to a specific person. Every gun I’ve bought, I was in the gun store for no more then 45 minutes when I started the process of purchasing one. There’s no need why that needs to take any longer.
Also what I don’t like is some of the things that a background check will find that will disqualify somebody from being able to purchase a gun. Now, if a guy who just got out of prison for serving 20 years for killing somebody or of that nature, I don’t believe that person should be able to buy a gun legally just because they’ve already pretty much proven themselves that having a gun is what put them in prison in the first place but say somebody got a felony gun charge for carrying a gun without a permit… keep in mind, this is not a dangerous person. Even if that personally spent a minimal amount of time in jail and was fined and all that other stuff, should
that guy not be able to buy a gun legally? Just because, oh my God, he got caught carrying one without a permit.
Now on to permits. I’m really glad that my state of Oklahoma almost 2 years ago made it to where you no longer have to pay for your rights and I’m glad that so many other states have done the same thing but other states, you shouldn’t have to pay for your rights. The state should not be making money from people wanting to exercise their constitutional right. This is still kind of redundant in my case because I still purchase a permit every five years because when I travel, I like being able to carry in other states but still, those other states should not be profiting on allowing their citizens to exercise a constitutional right.
The inability to purchase a handgun in a state in which you do not reside in. You can buy a rifle, but you cannot buy a handgun. Tell me why this is and why we need such a law? I really don’t see how it’s for safety because if somebody wanted to travel outside of their state to another state to go murder somebody, they can very easily bring their own gun or once they get there, they can buy one illegally off the street or steal it, so tell me how that does any good?
Reciprocity; I’m not advocating for the government to step in and force that national reciprocity legislation on the states simply because that would involve the government coming in and taking individual states rights away but these states that don’t want to honor permits from other states it’s just stupid. If I was to travel to California for vacation, I would sure like to be able to take my pistol with me but due to California’s laws on not reciprocating with other states, I would be breaking the law if I brought it anyway.
Magazine restrictions; why? Although I don’t necessarily agree with it when it comes to A.R. 15‘s but at least I can a lot more understand it on those when it comes to 30 round magazines but why handguns? And yes, I know, in most situations of when you’ll have to defend yourself, you shouldn’t need a 17 round magazine to do that but still, nobody knows just what kind of self-defense situation they may encounter and who knows, the person doing the assaulting might be armed with a lot more ammunition than what you have if you’re following a magazine restriction law.
The states that have the “may” issue attitude versus the “shall” issue when it comes to issuing permits. Why should somebody have to come up with a good reason to meet their criteria in order to be allowed their rights when just going outside of your house is plenty of a reason to carry? Nobody knows when they’re going to get mugged, assaulted, or attacked.
But like I said, I agree there’s certain people who shouldn’t have guns; even though they still get them anyway, I still think certain people shouldn’t have guns but unfortunately the way the laws are right now, they put far too much restriction on the people who do deserve them and they virtually do nothing to keep them out of the wrong hands.
When it comes to idiots who leave guns out for their kids to mess with, there’s no way to restrict that because that all comes down to proper parenting. Maybe we need to do like we did in the old days and actually have gun safety courses in school so that people are being taught stuff about guns because see, when so many people start chanting that not enough people‘s getting trained, the fact of the matter is, they probably aren’t because nobody seems to push for any real gun training like they do when a kid is going to go get his drivers license.
You might think I’m a little biased because yes, I am a truck driver and I see it every day but just like how there’s so many accidents these days involving passenger cars and semi‘s when, I know, there’s a lot of people in trucks these days that have no business piloting an 80,000 pound machine but on the other side, there’s also not a whole lot of training and teaching that takes place that tells people how you should and how you shouldn’t drive around a large truck.
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