People remain so funny about this.
It doesn't have to 'HURT' a product to add features to it. The perfect example is
@panteragstk above. Half of the features you want are exactly what we ALL want in a home theater projector. 120hz support, 4K native, etc. Like, you know, a JVC projector which already exists. Get lag times down super low and add VRR... and it is still a JVC projector, but now is stepped up with great gaming support. Does it hurt the projector in any way to be better at gaming than it was before? Nope, of course not.
Other responses follow this same though which befuddles me. Added features, whether useful, like VRR, or pointless, like RGB, don't negate the actual video quality. Same with audio quality. The question is whether reaching out and including these features can make these products more profitable to the industry as a whole.