Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)



Audioholic Chief
You don't think other countries come to ask for help?

How arrogant is it, to send aircraft carriers to provide housing, medical treatment and food for thousands of people to a place that has been ravaged by a natural disaster, when their own government doesn't have the capability? Not sure I would use that word.
... Sure they do, why do you think they do?... Maybe because we have always proclaimed ourselves king terds of shiite island .. Starting with the Monroe doctrine about 200 years ago...go ahead pretend it's not so...Edit .. Military intervention has nothing to do with humanitarian aid ,even if it's the military tasked to do it , that's part of the job , don't confuse the 2 completely different scenarios... It's politicians who set the policy, not the military ...something else you know


Audioholic Chief
Go back and read the comments made here before the election and you'll see who wouldn't support Trump. I can't waste the time needed to find all of the online comments and politicians who, by the nature of their place, prevents them saying things that could jeopardize their careers (under normal conditions).

You mean the minority in the GOP dictating? Absolutely! They need to yank their heads out of their butts if they want to survive.
The majority of the current gop are tumpian nationalistic racist pricks ... It's a throwback to the good ol days of Reagan and overt racist governance...


Audioholic Samurai
The majority of the current gop are tumpian nationalistic racist pricks ... It's a throwback to the good ol days of Reagan and overt racist governance...


Audioholic Spartan
Been looking through this thread. Interesting 1rst the problem with Trump is he holds enough of the base that they can't win without him.
But people can't win with him either due to how unpopular and unlikable he is
Down ticket Republicans did well. This was clearly a vote to vote Trump out not an absolute strike against conservative policies. If he tries to run again same thing happens they'll vote against him
But that also depends on Bidens performance in office and him staying alive. I don't believe Kamala could pull it off on her own


Audioholic Jedi an independent I got to choose a percentage of what "democrats" and "republicans" "think". As either republican or democrat its an agree/disagree thing....


Audioholic Spartan
As far as Isreal goes that's just been a total cf from the get go. Britain and outside interests decide to help setup a nation for the Jews after they were mostly slaughtered in WW II in already occupied Arab territory.
I know that land is holy to them but do how'd anybody think that was going to go.
Basically everyone they're wants them dead. They beef up and the oppressed has now become the oppressor.
And here we are in a no win situation. They've been killing each other over they're from the start. Don't see it stopping anytime soon
Only difference now is that Isreal really appears to not give a flying f what anyone thinks of them. I will hand it to them they are some bad dudes to mess with but then again you'd have to be surrounded by every neighbor who wants you dead.
Only way you get them to stop is make them stop. Who wants to step up to the plate for that honor?


Audioholic Spartan
The majority of the current gop are tumpian nationalistic racist pricks ... It's a throwback to the good ol days of Reagan and overt racist governance...
I don't think the majority of Republicans are racist, but I do think the overwhelming majority have gone silent since January 6th. Listen to some of the comments here: there afraid for their careers. The minority control the majority. Yeah well it isn't anyone else's fault.

It's especially interesting to me to see those R's who didn't vote for Trump who are still silent since January 6th. Your online, with an alias name, your career doesn't depend upon it, yet the above comments still hold. I'd love to hear I'm a Republican, but ah it's our own goddamn fault we got into this mess.


Seriously, I have no life.
I don't think the majority of Republicans are racist, but I do think the overwhelming majority have gone silent since January 6th. Listen to some of the comments here: there afraid for their careers. The minority control the majority. Yeah well it isn't anyone else's fault.

It's especially interesting to me to see those R's who didn't vote for Trump who are still silent since January 6th. Your online, with an alias name, your career doesn't depend upon it, yet the above comments still hold. I'd love to hear I'm a Republican, but ah it's our own goddamn fault we got into this mess.
I don't think Republican politicians will say that- it's the people in the wild who do and they need a decent candidate because there's nobody to hang a hat on.


Audioholic Spartan
Liz Cheney did- how could you not have noticed her?
Yep like one person. Her and Kinzinger I'd already mentioned. However, the majority have gone silent, including the Republican voters. They're the most important ones who should be speaking out.


Audioholic Spartan
I don't think Republican politicians will say that- it's the people in the wild who do and they need a decent candidate because there's nobody to hang a hat on.
I tend to think part of the problem is Republican voters have gone silent because the left media were right about Trump. They're not irked about the four years of chronic lying, two acquittals, or inciting a capitol riot on their own. They're not bothered by Faux Noise. They're upset the left media were right about Trump, and now they look like fools. Only to return once the Dems do something this stupid. That's the sad part of partisanship.


Audioholic Spartan

I tend to think part of the problem is Republican voters have gone silent because the left media were right about Trump. They're not irked about the four years of chronic lying, two acquittals, or inciting a capitol riot on their own. They're not bothered by Faux Noise. They're upset the left media were right about Trump, and now they look like fools. Only to return once the Dems do something this stupid. That's the sad part of partisanship.
I'm a conservative I never voted for that douche either time. and how is January 6th our fault. That's like saying some of the more radical progressive ideas sometimes being pushed out there are liberals faults. You can't control always what a candidate or people will do. You can control it with how you vote the next time around. Which happened with Trump he got voted out. I doubt he'll get back in either


Audioholic Spartan

I tend to think part of the problem is Republican voters have gone silent because the left media were right about Trump. They're not irked about the four years of chronic lying, two acquittals, or inciting a capitol riot on their own. They're not bothered by Faux Noise. They're upset the left media were right about Trump, and now they look like fools. Only to return once the Dems do something this stupid. That's the sad part of partisanship.
The reason you don't hear anything from the more sensible of us on the right is what the f!@ is there to say. The dude refused to concede the loss. And then gaslit the capital incident. Ironically giving Democrats Georgia in the process. I mean what are you going to say? When my Chiefs got there a$$es handed to them by the Buccs and Brady you just hang your head and take the ass whoopin bro. Then hopefully get your act together the next time you get a chance to play the big game


Audioholic Spartan

I tend to think part of the problem is Republican voters have gone silent because the left media were right about Trump. They're not irked about the four years of chronic lying, two acquittals, or inciting a capitol riot on their own. They're not bothered by Faux Noise. They're upset the left media were right about Trump, and now they look like fools. Only to return once the Dems do something this stupid. That's the sad part of partisanship.
Were silent because we don't support it and were not proud of it. The opposite in fact I just don't need to get all on social media and everywhere else and virtue signal about it. As if that would every appease the other side anyway. I imagine other conservatives like me probably feel the same way


Audioholic Spartan
I'm a conservative I never voted for that douche either time. and how is January 6th our fault. That's like saying some of the more radical progressive ideas sometimes being pushed out there are liberals faults. You can't control always what a candidate or people will do. You can control it with how you vote the next time around. Which happened with Trump he got voted out. I doubt he'll get back in either
Agree, though I'm more than a little disappointed of the very strong support Trump still has in the Republican base. Even more so of the large majority of the GOP members of Congress that has shown an amazing lack of spine and integrity or even basic democratic values. Suffice to say that my views of GOP has shifted quite downwards since Trump was elected President of USA and all that has followed him.


Audioholic Chief
I don't think the majority of Republicans are racist, but I do think the overwhelming majority have gone silent since January 6th. Listen to some of the comments here: there afraid for their careers. The minority control the majority. Yeah well it isn't anyone else's fault.

It's especially interesting to me to see those R's who didn't vote for Trump who are still silent since January 6th. Your online, with an alias name, your career doesn't depend upon it, yet the above comments still hold. I'd love to hear I'm a Republican, but ah it's our own goddamn fault we got into this mess.
Anyone who voted for trump in 2020 is supporting any openly racist nationalist agenda, sorry but lets call it what it is: ...I'm not ashamed of being grouped with AOC and Bernie...why are gop voters getting so butt hurt about being identified for what they support???.....
Were silent because we don't support it and were not proud of it. The opposite in fact I just don't need to get all on social media and everywhere else and virtue signal about it. As if that would every appease the other side anyway. I imagine other conservatives like me probably feel the same way
The question is , did you vote for trump, OR any of his bootlicking apologists.. ??And another thought.. Do you support his policies??.. If the answer is yes to any of the above you owe the world an apology ,imo.. Of course my opinion and $5 will get you a 50 cent cup of coffee at Starbucks...


Audioholic Chief
I'm a conservative I never voted for that douche either time. and how is January 6th our fault. That's like saying some of the more radical progressive ideas sometimes being pushed out there are liberals faults. You can't control always what a candidate or people will do. You can control it with how you vote the next time around. Which happened with Trump he got voted out. I doubt he'll get back in either
Lets not confuse " radical leftist agenda" , like AOC going to texas to raise what turned out to be 5 million bucks while scumbag teddy was vacationing in the Yucatan with trumpian racist fodder .. It isn't an equivalent situation. .. Seems everyone but the gop gets it...


Audioholic Chief
The reason you don't hear anything from the more sensible of us on the right is what the f!@ is there to say. The dude refused to concede the loss. And then gaslit the capital incident. Ironically giving Democrats Georgia in the process. I mean what are you going to say? When my Chiefs got there a$$es handed to them by the Buccs and Brady you just hang your head and take the ass whoopin bro. Then hopefully get your act together the next time you get a chance to play the big game
The thing you here a lot of is moscow mitch and the other trump bootlickers backpedaling away from recognition of jan 6... If you support their party you are complicite.. You of course realize this, but you get to have the fallback position of " i didn't vote for him" as a way out ..well are you still supporting the gop's agenda?? Tax cuts for " job creators " ( lol on that description of the ruling class), it's pretty well proven that the greatest job creator is a consumer with a pocket full of cash , not a rich dude with a bigger trust fund...


Audioholic Spartan
Agree, though I'm more than a little disappointed of the very strong support Trump still has in the Republican base. Even more so of the large majority of the GOP members of Congress that has shown an amazing lack of spine and integrity or even basic democratic values. Suffice to say that my views of GOP has shifted quite downwards since Trump was elected President of USA and all that has followed him.
Yeah I'm disappointed in the way Republicans have reacted towards Trump. I've never seen a more dislikeable person so almost worshipped. They act like he's the second coming of Jesus Christ or something. It's disgusting disappointing and a little frightening to be honest. I think it will take the party about 10 years min to get out from under his shadow. That's if he croaks.
But that means the democrats can't f!@ it up Biden cannot screw things up. I'm counting on democrats to not screw it up they get reelected Republicans will hopefully snap to they're senses on the fact they can't win with this guy.
Biden f's it up a lot of swing voters and Republicans that voted against him will look back with fond prepandemic nostalgia after 4 years and we may be stuck in it again
I'm not exactly heartened by what I see with some policies not all some are good but his term is still young I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one.


Audioholic Spartan
Anyone who voted for trump in 2020 is supporting any openly racist nationalist agenda, sorry but lets call it what it is: ...I'm not ashamed of being grouped with AOC and Bernie...why are gop voters getting so butt hurt about being identified for what they support???.....

The question is , did you vote for trump, OR any of his bootlicking apologists.. ??And another thought.. Do you support his policies??.. If the answer is yes to any of the above you owe the world an apology ,imo.. Of course my opinion and $5 will get you a 50 cent cup of coffee at Starbucks...
Not only do I not owe you .50 cents on your question I really don't owe you a darn answer on what I vote and what I do. What is this Mccarthyism? You gonna black list me if I support something you DEEM as racist or not the right policy? What makes you the expert on any of this anyway. This is why it's so annoying to talk to some liberals about this stuff But since I opened up this convo I will try to answer your questions and keep it real simple in my next reply Apologies if I misread your tone

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