Couldn't care either way, but the full history needs to be taught and not forgotten. That includes the good and the bad. Attempting to erase history and not teaching history is a dangerous path. It is amazing how many people today seem to think the civil war was only about slavery.
If we're going to take down statues, then people should take a good look at all the statues around the country not just those from the civil war or colonial era. I think you may be surprised by what you find. Do some research, it is very enlightening.
But this offended culture we now live in is completely out of control. What you may find appropriate will always offend someone else and vice a versa. This is why comedy has turned to sh.... The only thing your allowed to bag on today is America and Christianity. The really good comedians of old, would be strung up and run out of the country today. SMH
We should join together and get congress to pass a law. Those SJW's running around screaming and crying that this or that offended them. We should be allowed to Slap the sh... out of them till they come to their senses.