It won't be over, though, and the weeks since the election has shown that G.O.P. at a national level is embracing fascism.
So, I have to say, I just really don't get the GOP position here. Even in the face of a power grab, or whatever they're calling this business. The whole testing the limits of our Democratic Republic. Not to be the broken record on an A/V forum, but here I go again with the History Lesson.
I'm complete brevity, it's this simple. No Democracy, or Republic, in the history of Western Civilization has ever survived. Not one. Maybe not all the same reason, but truly, not one. And the Founding Father's were keenly aware of thus, AND the obvious dangers and completes disregard for any Monarchy.
So in creating our Republic this was all front and center in the minds of these men. As was the very idea of an overly powerful Executive. So the office by definition early on from jump, was meant to be of limited power and authority. (this is all very, very over simplified, but the outline is accurate)
Over the years the GOP / Conservative party has been so successful running a basic platform that is an extention of these essential themes. So States Rights, and an unquestioned check on the Federal Govt, and on particular the Presidency.
But now somehow, the plan has been subverted, by the far right of thier own party. And even now appears to be completely and entirely subjugated to guess what. A strong, over bearing, norm ignoring, stomp on everyone, ESPECIALLY the States, Executive. WTF..? Where did the platform go..?
Look another way. A cancer invades your system. Your body trues to fight it off but is initially unsuccessful. So does one just give up, roll over and do nothing as the cancer mestasisizes and corrupts the whole body.? Seriously? How and when would anyone think that was gonna work.
So now you've given over the jet's to the castle. You've pretty much cripples yourself and done nothing but feed the cancer, and now will honestly think you can play along until January Senate races in GA before even trying to reconstitute your party..?
Raise your hand if you think that will work.
Now here's another thought... If the Trumtwats are all going to stay loyal, and you're playing this game to keep them in line, how will you ever break free? On the other hand, if the AssClown thinks he will try to run again in 4 years, are you really going to take him back with open arms..? an impeached and (likely by then) convinced criminal..? OMFG, come on now...
My point I guess is that if they had stood up from the beginning and not given over the whole kit and kiboodle, they might have a chance to break free now. But by going along, all they've accomplished is, I think, the destruction of thier entire party. With half to 3/4 of it in the control of a 2 bit Con Man, Carnival Clown, who commands the minds and votes of some 50 million or more of what used to be your Political Party.
I just never understood the plan. And it only took a 5 minute Google search, or an hour long Documentary for you to have seen 4 year ago exactly how this was going to end.
I'm really not sure how this turns out, but if the 2 GA seats don't go to the Dems, or they split and McConnell continues his obstructionist game plan, Biden won't get anything accomplished. And it'll be at least 2 years of nothing, until we vote again.
(Sorry this was a reply, and it went on so long. Was meant to be shorter. And I should have made a new post.). Anyway nobody will read it. It's got TLDR written all over it..!