At the same time, transferring some of the more power-demanding low frequency content to the specialized Subwoofer will also help your tower perform better by using energy more efficiently. Most will agree, I think, that with the appropriate XO from Speaker to Sub, you will realize more clarity in your Mids and Highs, as well as better bass from the Sub.
Another note with the Polks is that they have an infamous and very demanding Impedance/Phase Angle at the worst possible place a speaker can have this happen: the Low Frequencies. Crossing your towers higher helps the speakers avoid this more 'dangerous' spot of your speaker's design, which at sustained high volume at the right frequency could blow your amps.
***I am not saying it will.
However the Polks are known to drop
below 4 ohms with that challenging phase angle. This causes the amps to generate a significant amount of heat which needs to be discharged: something many Amps are not designed for, especially the Amp Stage of an AVR.
Crossing at 80-100 Hz is a common practice and could help you experience both a rise in SQ as well as improve the longevity of your gear!