If you need more power, you can save some money if you can find a used older models such as the A-S700 that is more like a real integrated amp. If you are practical minded, you could do even better by going with a last year model AVR.
Not that it would sound different but to go with the A-S801 would seem like a case of paying more for less. It is basically an 2 channel AVR with the video section, tuner and some of the amp channels removed. The rest of the components such as the preamp/vol control chip are basically the same sort of outdated/discontinued chips used in some of Yamaha AVRs. I know because I have read the service manuals. Then they added a mediocre DAC, the ES9010K2M that was mainly targeted for portable audio such as mobile phones, digital music players etc. You would be much better off with an integrated amp without a build in DAC as there are much better external DACs for less than $200.
Why are people so attracted to entry level integrated amps such as the A-S801 I have no idea. If one believes AVRs are no good for 2 channel music, then they should go for real separates, or at least real integrated amps, not AVR based ones. That's just my opinion.