Did you make a homemade platform? I'd prefer a custom solution actually. I have all the tools to do so (table saw, router, etc). I could make say a 12" tall box out of oak, fill it with sand with layer of foam on top (foam topped with black automotive carpet), stain the box black. Would probably look pretty sharp.
I have a local custom concrete shop that has a boneyard for scrap countertops and such that didn't make the final cut. They let me in to root through the scraps. I found two pieces that gave more than enough material to make 4 platforms for my Mains and Subs.
The concrete they pour is pretty inert, acoustically, and filled with a good amount of aggregate
They cut them to the size I specified and drilled holes in them to receive some threaded inserts.
These platforms were mounted on Outriggers I bought from Soundocity.
Here's a link to a thread I had while I was setting up my mains, you can see the platforms
in this post.
This post from a different thread shows the sub on a platform, as well as me working on getting the platforms assembled.
For me, with down firing subs, I was concerned (misplaced) with the carpet being the first thing the soundwaves saw. But more importantly, the isolation feet, set on a platform that can actively dampen any physical vibration was my goal. I have seen some reports that this two part approach requires the Damping platform to be Coupled to the floor very well, hence the outriggers with spikes.
Maple cutting boards are good to use as a platform.
If you choose to make a box like you described, I would think that might be overkill...

...but nothing wrong with that.

You would basically be doing what this cat did: