Thanks Swerd. I know most here are liberal and politics will inevitably creep in. I'm as guilty as any. But there still seems to be some difference in the logic now and 10 years ago. There are a number of variables that may take a long time to accurately understand their numbers and contribution. Any of these variables can affect severity of the virus impact. And I understand the purpose of actions is to flatten the curve, slow the spread and number of people infected, and give us more time for preparations.
Here's what I don't get.
There are around 200k infected w/ Corona world wide. (This 2 days ago from CNN, but suits our discussion.)
There were 60M infected w/ H1N1 in the US alone 10 years ago.
So 10 years ago we had over 100x more people infected with H1N1 in the US than the whole world has now with Corona. But we never came close to the point of public or government reaction we have now reached with Corona. Why?
Doesn't a higher infected population balance out a lower mortality rate? Maybe Corona is 100x more fatal than H1N1, but if there are 100x more people infected with H1N1, wouldn't the result be the same? And if there are 1000x more people infected, wouldn't the result be 10x worse than Corona? (Estimates put the H1N1 Swine flu WW infection at ~1 Billion.) Wouldn't there be some point in that march to 1B that we would have triggered similar actions to today?
So why are we, (the world), taking extreme actions now that eclipse what we did 10 years ago for H1N1?
ps. I've never said this is a Democrat hoax. I've only asked why the difference in response to Corona and H1N1. I think those who have nothing to add beyond their feelings use the troll thing to hide behind. It's ok. Conservatives see that a lot.