It took me a while when I first did it to understand what I was looking for (hearing, that is)... I tried single continuous test tones, rhythmic test tones, pink noise and music. Music worked best for me as the test material. After that, what helped me get accustomed to hearing the changes was moving in and out of a corner. Corners will amplify the LF waves, and in my case, they also made it boomy and muddy. Moving back and forth along that wall and in and out of the corner taught me the differences I needed to be looking for.
Once I got comfortable with that, I was able to do the perimeter of my room pretty easily. In the process I found a spot on my back wall that was a complete null, where all the bass just disappeared.
It will open your eyes to ideal placements. Of course, whether you allow yourself to put the sub in such a location is up to you!

But with a single sub, especially, you want to find a spot where the bass response at you LP is the best it can be.