I use NeuralX a lot for DTS/DTS-HD/DD/TrueHD and also for 2Ch video sources. NeuralX tries to emulate DTSX and Atmos.
Most common example is the sound of rain/thunder/aircraft. For 2.0/5.1 sound, NeuralX will put the sound of Rain, Thunder, and Aircraft through the ceiling speakers.
Another example is background music like in dance clubs or any kind of background music. They will play overhead.
One example I've mentioned is the last few minutes finale of "Generation Kill" TV series from HBO. As they play the war footage video that one of the soldiers put together, Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Arounds" plays overhead.
Some contents sound better than others.
I sold my entire collection of SACD, DVD-Audio, and DTS-CD. Never looked back. These days, I enjoy 2.0 music with either DSU or NeuralX. I think many people prefer DSU for music and NeuralX for movies.
Also, NeuralX and DSU aren't just for overhead sound. They take 2.0 sound and make them 5.1. But they do a much better job than ProLogic-II and DTS Neo.