Zieg, I'm not sure if he meant using bookshelf speakers for mains or buying the bookshelf as a way to hear these speakers before he commits to the entire package.
Huskie, I used to own the Pioneer 52's and 22's. I can say without any question that the TP160S has more detail and much better highs. When I say without question, I mean the difference is very clear! It has been too long since I heard the 52's, but I think the TP160S even offers more bass. Whether more bass or not, it is better bass - that is one of the greatest strengths of this speaker. I play Bari Sax and the fullness of low notes (and balance with the upper harmonics) from the bari sax played over the TP160S is excellent! The TP160S will be a clear upgrade over the AJ Pioneers (remember that the DCM were not budget speakers, AJ had a much more difficult budget to work under (and I still consider them one of the best speakers in their class... when there are no great discounts elsewhere).
I have not heard the TFE that Zieg is recommending, but I do trust Zieg to give an honest evaluation and I also "trust his ears"!
Zieg, can you give Huskie a sense of what the TFE offers over the TP? There is no way for you or I to know what his best choice is from an economic standpoint, but maybe you can give him some sense of what he gets for the extra bucks so he can decide is the TFE is worth the extra cost for him.