That's right, they do sell the Ultras now. I own Ultras and absolutely love them. I personally prefer them over the Martin Logan's, but YMMV. I'd say give them a listen at Best Buy and if you like them, order from the outlet on their site. You can find some pretty good deals on the ultra bookshelf speakers for $399 a piece. That's a steal for the quality you get with them. They pop up in there fairly often and might have a small blemish that for all intents and purposes is invisible. One of the speakers I got, we never did find the blemish on them.
The nice thing about SVS is, if you don't like them for whatever reason, they will refund you and pay for return shipping. So you're really not risking anything at all. I also love the way they look and have taken one of them apart even. The build quality is outstanding with a fair amount of internal bracing and the crossovers they use look to be much higher quality than the Martin Logan's.