Many are angry but have not identified the cause.
Many university students are upset by the college debt they are incurring, for good reason.
Universities have an endless appetited for cash and no regard for the debt and hardship placed on the students they profess to care about.
They send their lobbyists to Washington to demand more cash. For students, they push socialism to make and the forgiveness of debt.
They are masters of redirection.
Real solutions are ignored:
- Require universities to co-sign loans. If you educate students with useless degrees, you bear the cost.
- Get government out of the student loan business. They are not good at it.
- Allow student loans to be cancelled by bankruptcy. Why not?
Culturally, we must understand the difference with gaining skills training and credentials.
We have a system that requires credentials and increasingly provides little or no skills. It's a recipe for disaster.
For those who want to socialize education, I'll buy into your plan so long as professors are paid government scale.
Let's see how these socialist loving professors making 6 and 7 figure incomes feel about it when discover their new pay scale
- Rich