Seriously, I have no life.
Your pension payment becoming nothing wasn't due to the market, it was due to being screwed by the head(s) of the company. Had you put the money into the market and left it, you would have had more than you invested, depending on when you invested it and the end of the time period. Over the long haul, the market's movement averages upward- that's why it's around 24,000. Don't bitch about the market when someone influenced the outcome. Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances- just like any other investment.1st, when one invest in the market mutual funds bonds whatever it may be. You must be willing to chance losing the money. #1, I'm not willing to chance it, I have enough bad habits. Don't need another, here's the thing, Betting that mutual fund money markets whatever it will go up? If it does than you just made money off of someone else's lost. I know what your going to say, I don't know what I'm talking about. You'd be wrong, I worked 10 years for a retail company that was #2 in the nation at the time. Now do you want to know what happened to that company? Bankrupt closed over 2300K stores, what's left to that company, the guy who has the most controlling interest, is sticking the Banks, and share holders. That guy for lack of a better word. Has all but gobbled up the real estate. He isn't going to pay any Bill's to the distributors that are holding invoices unpaid by the hundreds of millions! Now my friend who do you believe will end up paying the final tab? I'll give you two guesses and one doesn't count. They siphoned off the pension from all the employees, a class action lawsuit was filed guess what? Want to know what kind of check I got for 10 years of pension plus my 6% on top of that I was putting in per paycheck, a check for under two bucks. Now go play the markets. Best of luck, but someone and it's usually thousands always ends up taking it up the Yahoo so to speak.