I get the impression you're now being argumentative, Irv. My comments were in the context of Old Onkyo's posts, which subsequent calculations show to be
reasonably accurate.
To double the apparent loudness, you need to increase power x 4-10 depending on the frequency. That's what makes the power game so monumentally stupid. People actually think they're really moving up in the world when they trade up from 50W to 100W. They also get mesmerized by wattage that isn't measured using the RMS method.
It doesn't matter if the sub is powered or not. It puts out sound energy. Therefore it's output needs to count towards total sound intensity. That's my point, which I hope you now get.
My use of 90dB/W/m had nothing to do with YOUR definition of average. It had to do with the specs of Old Onkyo's B&W speakers. If you wanted to change the context, you should have said so. Instead, you fling about your own figures. Context, old boy... do try to keep up.
The speakers aren't the problem. DM 602s and 603s are reasonably good, provided they haven't been damaged or overdriven. They should easily be capable of over 90 dB spl at 6-8 feet.
Granted, they are difficult to drive because of impedance, but their measured performance is quite good..
No sane person would listen at an average spl of 89dB. You will recall my post indicated that 30WRMS @ 8 ohms would be more than sufficient for needs... which it is, even for an idiot whose need is to fry his/her hearing!
Now since a quality amp can double power output from 8 ohms to 4 ohms (you've said so yourself elsewhere),feel free re-run your calculations at 60WRMS. They'll come pretty close to mine. It's just simple math and physics after all.
I take your point about lower rears. But 10dB? That's not even in the ball park. Are you really that desperate to skew the outcome? If you actually used the calculator, you'd see this doesn't really change the outcome enough to even matter..
So my calculations don't need to be revisited. They support my point in the context in which they were offered... by a very (un)healthy margin to boot! Now if you want to change that context, start another thread or stop trying to play stump the chump. It's silly and it makes you look so.