I have been brainwashed in setting up front speakers as small if you use subs. lately I set them up as large and sent bass to both front speakers and multiple subs , granted my front speakers are very capable of handling bass, The speakers where getting full signal which the speaker designer intended and the vocals sound fuller all the way down to more even bass. If we are to run multiple subs to even out response then why don't we use all the bass we can get from our front channels as well that's two more sources. just wondered how many out there could benefit from using speakers full range the way they were intended?
I’m not too sure what you mean by using speakers full range as they were intended. Because no tower can reach full range efficiently, and I’m sure that DefTech’s engineers did not intend for anyone to play 20hz notes through their towers. Bass modulation kicks in at ULF not to mention no tower is capable of ULF unless it’s something like an Induction Dynamics ID1.15 which has dual 15” subwoofers and at that point it is no longer a tower but a tower with two subwoofers sandwiching it.
I don’t see how vocals become fuller when you have both playing bass, as vocals end at 120hz and I’m sure that adding in extra bass did not enhance anything above 120hz. It has probably muddied and blown the 80hz and down out of proportions to the point it may seem “good sounding” to you.
Not to mention that the optimal placement for subwoofers (bass) is almost never the same spot as the tower sits.
Not to mention you aren’t supposed to use odd numbers of subwoofers. The point of multiple subwoofers is to even out room modes. With 3, actually with two and a third one that’s different, I don’t think you fix any room modes. I don’t think there’s a single speaker manufacturer that says use 3 subwoofers. It’s powers of 2 always. 1, 2, 4, etc.
Lots of things wrong with your conclusions and leaps in logic.
It’s whatever. Audio is subjective so if you enjoy it, who am I to say.
Although making the statement that towers are supposed to be used full range no matter what as the “speaker designers intended” is pushing the line lol.