There seems to an endless supply of YouTube posts on how to clean records, making me think there is great interest in playing records without the distraction of pops and crackles. Having gleaned information from dozens of these videos, here's how I am now treating my records, expressly to eliminate distracting pops and crackles: First, whether the LP is new or used, I turn it in a Spin Clean using Spin Clean Cleaning Solution and Distilled Water. Instead of wiping the LP dry I allow it to air dry. I generally place the LP in a MoFi Sleeve. Before placing the LP on turntable I will brush with Carbon Fiber Brush, visually inspecting that surface dust has been removed. All of these steps help to eliminate static and dust pops. I also brush the stylus before and after play. This technique works, that's to say, most of my records now play without annoying pops.
Now, interestingly enough, I bought a new record the other day from Barnes & Noble, a Classical Music recording from Decca pressed in Germany. This LP had a fireworks of pop and crackle which I could not displace through cleaning. I suspect, since cleaning did not eliminate pops that the record was pressed from contaminated material. At any rate, what ever the cause, the record was unacceptable; therefore, I returned the LP for a refund and I suggest to all here, buying new LP's, to do the same. It should not be your problem. One more thing, if you are digitizing LP's, application of the recording software's pop filter will eliminate pops which LP cleaning could not.