We still can't get rid of Vinyl, what makes you think CDs will vanish any sooner. Some people have been calling time on CDs for two decades already. So far the only real casualty of streaming has been Dvd rental stores like Blockbuster (I do miss them).
Personally for a luddite like myself, ownership still trumps streaming every time. Yes streaming is handy, but endless rental without reliable delivery, censorship or a viable owned alternative is hardly very secure or satisfactory way forward.
Some people have a bad habit of tampering with the source (1984 anyone). It is hard now to find a lot of Albums that have not been "remastered" and not in a good way. People like Ted Turner who colourise the back catalogues of black and white film stock is not something to admire. Laurel and Hardy is unwatchable. The thought of Casablanca or Its a Wonderful Life in COLOR gives me the shivers.
I'm old so fortunately this utopia will not likely complete before I've gone on.