Well, it looks like I need to bring my $$ amount downward a bit. Polk s60 towers are selling for $329 to $349 each. Think I may give them a try. At that price I might even be able to afford the S35 Center Channel. I'll save the more expensive speakers for a later time. Anybody have any experience with these speakers?
Hey man I wish you luck on finding the best pick to start off with on your system. I've been in your boat. And I have experience with some of your picks you brought up. So I'm not here to argue suggestions or provide perfect measurements there are more knowledgeable people I respect on this site that can do that. I'm just gonna give you my experiences with the picks you mentioned.
Just like you I started off wanting to build up and I started with the S 60's so I'll start from there.
S 60's pros: overall not a bad sound for a budget especially at the price you mentioned. Good bass decent highs way better then they're older budget models. BUT I couldnt stay with them and here's why.
S 60's cons: The measurement issues mentioned above do cause problems in the sound the sound is not bad but you'll be able to notice it. It's 2.5 crossover design compounds the problem I believe and the rich mids were lacking some and this also caused issues with the highs being a bit too high and forward. Voices are affected as well as some instruments and details. In both music and movies. I used three S60s as L C R and just had a tough time dialing in the sound too counteract this. I abhore center channels by the way rather use a third tower or bookshelf but that's just me. The center channel the S35 and the other one they SUCK. No getting around it they just can't handle ceartin ranges male voices etc sibilance an crafting syllables you name it once you push your system they just get in the way. Nothing I could do could correct it it's partly what inspired me to go with the towers. They're size if your concerned about the Ultras size well welcome to the S60 cus they're are a big big speaker as well and will stand out any where you put them. And finally they're resale they're impossible to flip well if you want to recoup some costs to upgrade they just sale too cheap as is. Not a bad starter speaker but it sounds like you want to start a little higher.
I auditioned the Primes and golden ear 5 and 7's in my home and the Primes for me won out. As people stated the golden ears treble and smoothness midrange detail and soundstage just are second to none PERIOD. That tweeter wow! So why did the Primes win out? Because although they can't match the highs and midrange they come close. And because basically the 5 and 7's really don't have true bass extension I'm sorry but passive radiators etc just don't cut it for me this is where the Primes pulled ahead. Dynamics extension liveliness with just enough closeness to the Golden Ears highs soundstage and midrange that overall they just FOR ME won out on the total package of what I want from a speaker. For less cost with 3 towers then either golden ear 5 or 7 with a center channel package could compare so a very similar performance and enjoyment with Golden Ear pulling slightly ahead in the midrange and highs but not enough to justify they're cost over the Primes. Especially when everything else was a little more for the Primes.
So I went with the Primes. And am happy and have enjoyed my choice the more I have them. Although the S 60s were not a bad choice both the Primes and Golden Ears just ran all over them they weren't a bad starter but they couldn't even come close For really not even too much more. They just as mentioned have some flaws that eventually start to wear on the listener.
That's my experience and I hope it helps you in your decision. As others have said there's also a lottof other great options out they're for around that range. Chat with us take your time and listen and research and I hope you find what your wanting and I hope to hear about your experiences and your input on this site. Best of luck on your choices!