Which perform terribly as far as accuracy goes when compared to the primus line. See the comparison
In the same price range, I can come up with about 5 lines from different brands that perform and measure far more accurate. Reviewers of the reference series often note the aggressive treble, and the studio and arena series often note “roughness” in the treble, which gets worse at higher volumes.
Considering the amount of research done and the kind of testing facilities harman has access to, I feel there is no excuse for this.
The market may be well saturated with sub $1000 speakers, but that market has substantially improved. $300-$500 can buy a damn good set of bookshelf speakers nowadays, and there are even exceptional speakers in the sub $300 range as well.
Harman has the ability to design fantastic speakers that could put those to shame, yet they fail to do so in their consumer offerings. The JBL 7 series and even 3 series are incredibly well designed, why couldn’t JBL design a slightly modified (ie change the waveguide for better performance in the mid and far field) and sell them for <$500 a pair?
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