I think with most, not necessarily all women u need to proselytize and sell the product before trying to shove it down their throats.
My missus wasn’t exactly raised in a house where music and its delivery system was a priority, so initially I had my work cut out for me. Like anything in life that u want, u have to convince the other person that it was their idea and not yours. And in that spirit every time I wanted to pick-up some new hardware I brought her along to the B&M shops and let her demo the equipment (speakers, AVR’s, etc.) and asked her for a recommendation. Invariably she chose what I wanted because her own ears convinced her it was the right decision no matter how “
pretty” the other models looked. I would purposely pick an inferior speaker or whatever and ask her which model I should buy. Without fail she chose the better speaker even though the cost and size wasn’t exactly what she had in mind when she walked in. She’s a very practical woman with golden ears ...
thank god.
When I made my big jump in size/price in 2011 for a pair of high quality floor standers for our living room I first took her to
World Wide Stereo (local hi-fi shop in Southeast PA) and convinced her that the PSB models were an option I was thinking about and at around $2K a good bargain. She agreed. But being the responsible husband

I told her I should continue shopping to see if I could find something more affordable. I already knew I wanted to buy a pair of Focal Electra 1027Be’s but didn’t want to give her sticker shock initially, so I was biding my time. A couple of weeks later while out joy riding on our motorcycles we passed by
Overture, the local Focal dealer in DE, and I recommended we go in to demo the speakers, with the proviso that they were way too expensive and I had no intention of buying any of their models. She figured, what the hell, let me amuse him. I purposely started at the lower end models until I got to the 10xxBe models by which time she was enthusiastically on-board and insisted we buy them right then and there. In fact she got a bit carried away when she heard the Utopia model and turned to me and half-seriously asked, “Can we afford these?”
I had created a monster.