so - I got a quote for the Wharfedale 240/220C/220 combination - and like i suspected earlier - its 1800+tax(2K all in) Canadian. I might be able to get it a bit cheaper - but its line with my expectations. These are top of my list now because:
1. Downfiring ports help me with placing them close to the wall. The left corner beside the TV in particular is not very rear port friendly.
2. The wood finish matches very nicely with my floors and wife likes the look enough to up my budget
I will have to go in again and check them again to make sure the sound works for me - and play more of my regular tunes on it. Unfortunately I cant do A/B with the Emotivas - which also would be around 250 bucks cheaper
@speakerman39 - you seem to have a lot of experience with Wharfedales. Any tips? Is there something in particular I should watch out for when auditioning them the second time? I have read that they take a lot of time to get broken in, and they sound better with the grille off the tweeter.
Again, Ive read that they are less fatiguing and warm overall - and even though many dont recommend it for metal - I have to admit, I'm old and wont be blasting my speakers very often. Classic and progressive rock is more like my go to genre - pink floyd, porcupine tree etc. And occasional party music hip/hop if people get drunk.
Another important thing - movies I watch are quite often low rez off kodi and streaming sources and are usually crappy stereo. Some of my black metal is pretty low on production values too. So the speakers need to be a bit forgiving too. Hi Rez surround comes into play for gaming and again for FLAC encoded in 5.1.
Okay let me mention a few things before I attempt to answer your questions. I do NOT have tons of experience with Wharfedale speakers per se. I do own a set of the Diamond 220's and the Denton 80th anniversary bookshelfs. Have not heard any other Wharfedale speakers including the center and/or towers that your are considering. However, I do love my Wharfies.
My preference is
ONLY on music in
2-Channel stereo. I do not give 2-craps about HT nor am I a gamer. My place is just too small to really do much with HT. So, why even bother? Never have been a gamer nor do I even care for tower speakers. That is, a stand mounted speaker coupled to a capable sub will nearly always sound better than a tower alone. Besides, most stand mounts image better than towers for the most part.
As far as music is concerned, I seem to have a preference for the "
hair bands" as I grew up in the 70's. In short, guess I am a classic rocker. Guitar rock is a BIG one for me. But, I listen to some of the alternative rock from the 90's and so on. At times, I like jazz and /or classical music as well. My Wharfies have done well with whatever I have thrown at them.
Keep in mind that my Wharfies are very laid back, warm and non-fatiguing. Nothing is in your face or harsh.
Vocals are what really stands out. Especially,
female vocals. My Wharfies are not the last word on detail/resolution. But, there is still plenty of detail that draws me into my music more resulting in a
toe-tapping experience. In other words, my Wharfies are very polite if you will.
One thing that is very apparent when I compare the 220's to the Dentons is that the 220's have much more low end capabilities. Yes, the Dentons have a little more refinement from top to bottom over all, but with less extension. The 220's use down-firing vents/ports via the
plinth design whereas the Dentons have rear-firing ports. Thus, the 220's are
much easier to place close to the back/side walls. The Dentons need more room to breathe and are a bit finicky when it comes to placement.
I listen to most of my music via CD's and Pandora, youtube, and etc. I still listen to some FM mainly b/c I like to listen to my
Kentucky basketball games from time to time. Sometimes, I am not able to see all of their games on my TV. So, when that happens I listen to my game on the radio. Have listened to some internet radio stations that also sound decent. As for Metal, I am not too sure how it would sound on the Wharfies. I do like some hard stuff, but nothing over the top per se.
Put in some Adele or Dido/Karen Carpenter and you will see what I mean by female vocals. One of my favorite bands is Heart. Those chicks can rock! They sound fabulous on my Wharfies. The Blues sound really good too. For example, Eric Clapton is just amazing. Carlos Santana and his guitar playing is also amazing. Pink Floyd is another that really stands out. Anyways, hope this gives you some kind of idea as to why I love my Wharfies. Basically, I am a drawn to a
more warmer sound signature bar none. It is not for everyone as it is merely a
personal preference like many things in life.
