Hey All! Its pic time

Thanks all for your help in choosing my new babies. I am super happy with them - especially since it was a bit of a risk having not heard them in person. I've been breaking them in since this weekend, but they sound great even right out of the box.
The front left speaker had to be toed in just a little more than the right. Due to its proximity to the wall, the stereo image was a little to the left...but the extra toe in seems to have fixed that.
Audyssey suggested I cross over to the sub at 60Hz, but I changed that to 80Hz. I didn't hear much of a difference between the port bungs being in or out - so I left them in. Especially since I have a toddler at port bung height and she loves putting round objects into holes. I found 3 balls rattling around in my energy subwoofer, when she was at crawling height.
For any Canadians interested in these: I got the whole setup (5 speakers + 2 wall brackets) for CAD 1664 - all in. So it worked out well within my budget. Feel free to PM me if you need more details.
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