Hello folks,
I have been slowly learning more and more about digital audio since I bought my receiver and dvd player about 2 months ago. I had heard about DVD-A, and SACD a little bit, and so bought a DVD player that would play them, even though I did not own any of them yet. I have seen a lot of pro's and cons both here in these forums, and also on other sites regarding both of these formats. I still have not had a chance to hear either one, since I have not yet bought one. However I was looking at Amazon.com for some SACD's or DVD-A's and found something else that I had not heard of. A DTS encoded CD. I had heard of HDCD's, and even owned a few of them that sound very nice on my receiver, since it has an HDCD decoder on it, but I had never heard of a DTS-cd. So, I started to look it up. I found the following review of a Sting album by our own Gene DellaSala:
That got me thinking, because I had seen DTS on DVD's mostly before. I had also seen Dolby Digital, usually a lot more often than DTS on DVD's. In fact, my Disney's Fantasia DVD has a DTS track option on it, and it sounds very nice. (I only have a 3.0, L-C-R, speaker config at the moment, but it still sounds very nice)
So I started to do some research on DTS-cd's. I found that there doesn't seem to be very many out there, at least not as many as SACD's or DVD-A's. I did find some DTS and DD encoded wav files on line, and found that you could burn them to a cd as a regular audio cd, and it would play over the digital out ports on your DVD, or CD player, or SP/DIF out on your computer, to a receiver equipped with the DTS or DD decoders, and it would sound very nice. I am assuming that these DTS-cd's are the same things. Here is the link I found in case any are interested in doing this, there are some very nice songs on there, along with some very funny samplers, and demos:
So then the next thing I decided to do, since I don't yet own any DVD-A's or SACD's was to see if I could just find and download an example or demo of one (legally preferably), burn it, and play it and see how it sounded. I tried some free and some trial programs to create a DVD-A, and did a little bit of research into it. It seems that a DVD-A can have, but does not necessarily have video on it as well. The Audio_TS directory is the one that seems to have the audio on it, while the Video_TS directory has the video. I was able to create some .AOB (audio object) files with their corresponding .IFO, and .BUP files etc, and placed them into Nero to try and burn them. But oddly Nero would not burn it unless there were some video files. I guess that is because it was not coded to burn a DVD-A. Owell. So I used some other program that supposedly creates a DVD-A. But it did not create anything under the Audio_TS directory. So I doubt it is a real DVD-A. My Pioneer 588a did not recognize it as a DVD-A, but just a DVD-V. So that did not work.
I thought about maybe trying to burn an SACD, but then I thought, if what I understand about those is true, I don't think I'd be able to do that. It seems to have a second layer for the other data, and a CD layer for the regular stuff. Maybe that's just the Hybrid's? I don't know.
I also don't seem to know what encoding system is being used on either DVD-A, and SACD. I know that CD is a 16 bit pcm, HDCD is usually 24 bit, DTS audio cd is just DTS encoded cd files on a cd that can be listened to only with a decoder for DTS. The same with DD audio cd's. So what is used on SACD and DVD-A?
So, in any case, at this point, it seems that there are really a lot of options out there to listen to.