Hey, that looks pretty damn good! Did you do any sweeps with the mains? Curious how smooth they transition, and how hot the subs are. Looks like a nice house curve!
I ran a single full sweep, but I haven't really looked at it much yet... the subs are actually not running very hot at the moment, I may end up adding 3db or more over what Audyssey wants. I just have to go back with DMM and do some measuring... miniDSP came pre-jumpered at 4v/4v, but I measured the sub channel at reference volume/reference signal/zero trims to peak at almost 8v.
Granted I will never playback at that volume anyway... I would prefer to keep my hearing intact as much as I can
That response looks very good. It looks like +/- 3 dB from 20 Hz to 80 Hz. What are the settings on the sub? With that response, I would run the Q control at 0.3 and and the operation mode at EQ2, if it isn't at those settings already. That will bring down some of that low and a bit to make it more even with the mid bass.
Right now they are in EQ1. Maybe for someone room-gain comes into effect, but in this room there is pretty much none to be had... either that or I would need many more of them
I think I measured -10 db by mid 30's with them in EQ2. I think the concern was excursion in EQ1, but at my listening volume the driver isn't even visibly moving unless it gets down below 18hz. I would have probably been better off with ported model to go deeper, but I'm pretty happy where things stand.
I just need to figure out how to further tune the target curve REW is generating... I think it is being slightly too aggressive. I did not allow it to do any boosting, but the cuts seems to be somewhat overkill.