I'll give it a shot for such a coveted prize!

But I need to use brackets for my comments.
As we live in the era of (horrific) “think less live more” Facebook slogans, I immediately connect with today’s audience by saying: “I didn’t and will not over-analyse, I just let my feelings (whatever these might be) take the lead so I placed no obstacle for enjoyment (as this is what brain always does in postmodern way of ‘digital baroque’ irrationalism - prevent you from enjoying life). (Postmodernism’s Arch Enemy is thinking/brain. It sees it as something arising out of fear - which is, of course - ungrounded so the more you eliminate the thinking/brain the closer you are to truth/real/genuine/experience etc. In reality this is merely political marketing spreading the “gospel according to dumb” and politically empowering the uninformed decision making as it is very useful in sales and protecting political elites from thinking working claass. This is where all of your “think (read: “buy”) with your heart” life philosophy went). (I won’t translate the bit about the album as this is all clear - he finds it charming, but I will offer a comment on the last part; the author is actually high on postmodernism where you have a levelled playfield of all horizons, e.g. Smokey Hormel might have performed like a Musk Caribou playing as quarterback). (In Postmodernism smart is not good, as we established earlier, so without ‘seductively dreamy’ smart is worth nothing. He is still on how players play and not the equipment). (Postmodernism also doesn’t like dirty, rather, it despise it, so it’s a good thing and an improvement to get rid of anything carnal, although I myself don’t see it in Girl from Ipanema as that song is mainly melancholic in mood. Postmodernism is about killing the 99.9 known germs, so the next part translates into)Think Soderbergh’s Girlfriend Experience where you can have a simulation of a close relationship without the mess of attachment (and disenchanted means eroticism is a commodity and should fall under free market laws. Love is, of course, marketing for eroticism). (Postmodernism also gets rid of essential; it is about the non-fat, non-alcohol, non-dangerous, non-this or that, so it is Girl from Ipanema squeaky clean from anything that reminisce of flash related messy copulation). (You all know how much these alchemists of the new put into breaking in of audio equipment, no further explanations there. As it is a levelled playfield, as I said before, he goes on to borrow from visual arts; it is a sfumato type of experience, where the word sfumato is also derived from an Italian word for smoke, hence looking through smoke makes outlines appear softer) The fact that Sprout was completely new the sound appeared less articulate, but this had an upside to it as this particular album sounded (and this is where I must admit defeat, of course it is more of the same where playfulness is a metaphoric type of speech, but it is hard to even outline what should it describe. Most often you will find this term describing a multitude of the tiniest of the sound decorum like string plucking, pulling your fingers across the strings making the hissy sound, together with the sense of your speakers not having trouble reproducing them all. So it’s a child’s play for the speakers. This, however doesn’t say anything about the amp nor does it make sense for the records that doesn’t feature all those sounds in the original decorum) filled with easily reproduced tiniest of the sounds. Indeed, I tricked myself into hearing the best of the audio gear because the amp wasn’t broken in. This would, naturally, wear off after a (for audiophools it is the longer the better) three year period when I will rather buy another Sprout and fool myself again than buy what I believe is the best audio gear.
You should buy Sprout for this album and hurry with the listening! When it wears off, throw it away and buy a new one as this planet is endlessly plastic and can be reused infinite number of times.