Thoughts and prayers for Paris, France.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
So would I. I think there was some kind of survey that listed a candidate's religion and how favorable people were to that. At the absolute bottom was atheist.


Audioholics Master Chief
So would I. I think there was some kind of survey that listed a candidate's religion and how favorable people were to that. At the absolute bottom was atheist.
So much for separation of church and state. Very sad that most politicians have to pander to the evangelical vote often denying science and reality to firm up their voting base.


Audioholic Chief
So much for separation of church and state. Very sad that most politicians have to pander to the evangelical vote often denying science and reality to firm up their voting base.
It's been quite a while since anyone on the Democratic side of the isle has pandered to a religious group. While the engineering/ scientist in you might not agree with it, some people are rooted in faith and it grounds them. To say evangelicals deny science is like saying Muslims are terrorist, bad blanket statement.
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Audioholics Master Chief
It's been quite a while since anyone on the Democratic side of the Isle haspandered
Yes agreed and incidentally the dems typically don't deny science and education either. It's ridiculous that there is such a division on these issues which should be nonpartisan.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Politicians have always pandered irrespective of country or leaning.


Audioholics Master Chief
Politicians have always pandered irrespective of country or leaning.
Agreed especially with Citizens United and unlimited campaign contributions. Bernie Sanders is the ONLY current politician running for President that I don't believe panders but he's also unrealistic thinking we're giving free healthcare and college to everybody. That kind of stuff can only happen in a non-JJ Abrams Star Trek Universe.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I heard Bernie wants to make sure every student has a 5.1 channel system with Emp-Tek speakers.


Audioholic Chief
I heard Bernie wants to make sure every student has a 5.1 channel system with Emp-Tek speakers.
Bernie, thinks that his crossover is racially biased, therefore only speakers that are run full range without padding are open
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Audioholic Ninja
What happened in Paris is a terrible thing, but this sort of thing is the price of freedom as there will always be those who seek to take advantage of it. We have to remember what Ben Franklin said and it applies in situations like these: "Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither." Just take a look at what happened on a flight the other day:

Have we become so paranoid that someone watching the news on a plane is somehow suspicious? I really hope there's more to this story because if there isn't, we really find ourselves in a sad state of affairs.


Audioholic Spartan
It's been quite a while since anyone on the Democratic side of the isle has pandered to a religious group. While the engineering/ scientist in you might not agree with it, so people are rooted in faith and it grounds them. To say evangelicals deny science is like saying Muslims are terrorist, bad blanket statement.
Oh really? According to, 62% of Evangelical Protestants polled don't believe in the Theory of Evolution. An additional 25% think that humans have evolved, but it's by God's design. Only 11% of the people polled believe humans evolved by natural processes. Over 80% believe in heaven and hell. 55% believe the Bible should be interpreted literally. You may not like Gene's tone, but unfortunately the facts seem to be on his side.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Oh really? According to, 62% of Evangelical Protestants polled don't believe in the Theory of Evolution. An additional 25% think that humans have evolved, but it's by God's design. Only 11% of the people polled believe humans evolved by natural processes. Over 80% believe in heaven and hell. 55% believe the Bible should be interpreted literally. You may not like Gene's tone, but unfortunately the facts seem to be on his side.
What about everyone else? Is there a similar poll? I just quickly picked this one out.



Audioholic Chief
Oh really? According to, 62% of Evangelical Protestants polled don't believe in the Theory of Evolution. An additional 25% think that humans have evolved, but it's by God's design. Only 11% of the people polled believe humans evolved by natural processes. Over 80% believe in heaven and hell. 55% believe the Bible should be interpreted literally. You may not like Gene's tone, but unfortunately the facts seem to be on his side.

My point was regarding blanket statements and the direction of the thread. Simply put: not all people of faith reject science and not all Muslims are terrorist, thats all. Peoples belief in faith or science shouldnt completely bare their character. I have no "faith" in a subject that consumes one. Your numbers seem to back up my point, thanks. Disagreement dosent have to lend itself to divide.


Audioholics Master Chief
It's been quite a while since anyone on the Democratic side of the isle has pandered to a religious group. While the engineering/ scientist in you might not agree with it, so people are rooted in faith and it grounds them. To say evangelicals deny science is like saying Muslims are terrorist, bad blanket statement.
OK well I normally don't like to deal in absolutes so let me rephrase this. Virtually EVERY recent Republican candidate running for Presidency has denied anthropological climate change and human evolution. In fact, Dr. Ben Carson (A Neurosurgeon) believes evolution theory was encouraged by the devil and the Big Bang theory is a fairy tale. This is a similar opinion the Head of the US Science Committee, Tod Adkin, which IMO is NOT the right person to chair such an important position for obvious reasons.

Sadly it seems their level of ignorance of science is only getting worse with time, NOT better:

I don't like this b/c the Republican party used to NOT be like this. The crazies have become the vocal majority. They preach less government but want the exact opposite when it comes to regulating woman reproductive rights, marriage, and even teaching science in schools.

Only a handful of rationals are left but they aren't outspoken. I wish Michael Steele and especially David Frum would have a larger voice. Instead we get the diatribe of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbomb, Ben Carson, Michele Backmann. What happened to the Eisenhowers, Nixons, Rockefellers?

This pisses me off b/c I can never vote for an anti-science candidate so it leaves me with only one major political party in this country since an independent would NEVER get the electoral votes to become President. WE live in an age of science and wonder but the majority voice of one of our political parties wants to keep us in the dark ages. Very sad.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
The 7th Day Adventists are out there. But religious beliefs cross all boundaries. I mean I'd never have suspected that Colbert was Catholic. And they cross educational levels.

I kinda like Ben Carson but when it comes to President, I've got a tough time not drawing the analogy of him to the character Martin Sheen played in the Dead Zone, Greg Stillson.


Audioholics Master Chief
The 7th Day Adventists are out there. But religious beliefs cross all boundaries. I mean I'd never have suspected that Colbert was Catholic. And they cross educational levels.

I kinda like Ben Carson but when it comes to President, I've got a tough time not drawing the analogy of him to the character Martin Sheen played in the Dead Zone, Greg Stillson.
There is nothing wrong being religious or having faith. The problem in my view is when one uses it to deny science. I never understood why people of faith can't embrace the science of evolution as a way of explaining God's process or grande plan of life.

As for Ben Carson:
Nuff said :)

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
That was funny. Good thing ISIS is contained, scientifically speaking of course.

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