Thoughts and prayers for Paris, France.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I'm way NOT cruel enough, as you point out ...

And really I want to live in a society where you don't have to be afraid.... and that being not afraid means not carrying a gun...

But the thing is... the world around us here is changing in a way that I really don't care for, and the governemnt is acting like puppets....

The Norwegian prime minister had a speech on Saturday that just made me fell puke... she's just iterating the same words and terms that was said after the terror attack on Norway on 07.22 2011

Really agree on this one: Seems like they know there is no real way to fight terrorism and we don't have the guts to fight fire with fire.

What to do? I have no clue whatsoever
Being that I'm usually a sucker for vampire movies, I recently watched Dracula Untold. It recounts the story where Vlad's country is being attacked by the Turks. One line the main character said resonated somewhat with me, "Because men do not fear swords. They fear monsters. They run from them. By putting one village to the stake, I spared ten more. Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. Sometimes what it needs... is a monster."

No doubt ISIS's tactics have been monstrous - beheadings, drownings, pushed off building, stoned, blown up, run over by tanks, etc. scares the sh!t out of people. I think we need to figure out what it will take to make them realize they're defeated and then ratchet it up even more.


Seriously, I have no life.
There have been a lot of good articles in the European Press. Everybody has known for a while that an attack would get through. Unfortunately there will be more and worse. No Western country and some others will be immune.

I have selected a few articles.

This article is a call to really change the way we look at this problem

This one written by a prominent Muslim highlights the history and scale of the problem.

This is an article by my nephew Peter Apps for Reuters which is a good summary of events. He is currently on leave from Reuters to direct a US/UK think tank for the study of the 21 century. He was ambushed as a war correspondent during the civil war in Sri Lanka, and was rendered Quadraplegic and has no use of even his arms and can not even feed himself.

Unfortunately our children and grandchildren will be living with this problem.

The refugee crisis in Europe has seriously exacerbated the problem. One of the Paris attackers came as a "refugee" through the Greek Island of Lesbos only last month. So he was in fact an ISIL terrorist and not a "refugee".


Audioholic Warlord
it's said on the news today that it's identified to be a number of Syrian refugees entering Norwegian territory, and posing a threat to national Norwegian security. = Read: Terrorists covered as refugees

Probably the same issue with all European countries.

It's notning new and unexpected, but just conformation of what we already strongly believe, yes....

It's time to put an end to the open Schengen borders and at least provide border controls, these open borders is madness in this situation.


Audioholic Overlord
it's said on the news today that it's identified to be a number of Syrian refugees entering Norwegian territory, and posing a threat to national Norwegian security. = Read: Terrorists covered as refugees

Probably the same issue with all European countries.

It's notning new and unexpected, but just conformation of what we already strongly believe, yes....

It's time to put an end to the open Schengen borders and at least provide border controls, these open borders is madness in this situation.
Yeah, we all knew that Shiite long ago. Now, the politicians have to grow a set and do something to protect us by closing the borders. That doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

Here's an article that scares the tootsie rolls out of me. I hope it doesn't prove to be true, but...

"The West is hanging on by a thread and doesn’t even know it. We are living off the fumes of the accomplishments of our forefathers and those who fought and died in the cause of freedom and individual rights. But the thread is wearing thin. Time is just about running out."
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Audioholic Samurai
But from another point of view, you can't fight cruelty by cruelty.
I think you can. It is distasteful, unpleasant, against our nature, but sometimes it may be the best of a number of bad choices. Hiroshima.

Any successful interaction, friendly or otherwise, depends on accurately defining the nature of the relationship between participants. When a person is swinging a hammer at your head, he has already defined the terms of your relationship. (Mas Ayoob.)

You cannot hope for a successful outcome, (to you), by acting like this guy is a friend, or trustworthy, or willing to talk it out, or has some common ground, etc. You better see it for what it is, and apply adequate response to neutralize the threat.

I'm afraid it seems we have a group who is swinging a hammer at our head. As abhorrent as it may be to us, we may have to chose the best of a number of bad choices to defend ourselves.


Audioholic Warlord
I think you can. It is distasteful, unpleasant, against our nature, but sometimes it may be the best of a number of bad choices. Hiroshima.

Any successful interaction, friendly or otherwise, depends on accurately defining the nature of the relationship between participants. When a person is swinging a hammer at your head, he has already defined the terms of your relationship. (Mas Ayoob.)

You cannot hope for a successful outcome, (to you), by acting like this guy is a friend, or trustworthy, or willing to talk it out, or has some common ground, etc. You better see it for what it is, and apply adequate response to neutralize the threat.

I'm afraid it seems we have a group who is swinging a hammer at our head. As abhorrent as it may be to us, we may have to chose the best of a number of bad choices to defend ourselves.
hmmmmmmmm...... some really good thoughts here.... imho

If someone is swinging a hammer towards your head, a choice is to get a bigger hammer and strike back before you're hit...

But it's just not good enough trying to fight this on our territory and strike them when it's an imminent attack. If there's a sickness you really need to get to the root cause, or the shite will just pop-up over and over again.

But what is the most annoying to me is that we open our doors wide open and invite them into our house, some people who's only mission is to blow up and burn down our house.

It's like you invite some group of people to your house, open your doors, being friendly.... and then they in a rude way being commanded about... where the he$£ is the dinner, and they want beer, wine and coffe avec; When they're done eating they push you out of your bed and say that they want to sleep there, and in the morning after they throw Molotov cocktails into your living room, kitchen and bedrooms.
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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
hmmmmmmmm...... some really good thoughts here.... imho

If someone is swinging a hammer towards your head, a choice is to get a bigger hammer and strike back before you're hit...

But it's just not good enough trying to fight this on our territory and strike them when it's an imminent attack. If there's a sickness you really need to get to the root cause, or the shite will just pop-up over and over again.

But what is the most annoying to me is that we open our doors wide open and invite them into our house, some people who's only mission is to blow up and burn down our house.

It's like you invite some group of people to your house, open your doors, being friendly.... and then they in a rude way being commanded about... where the he$£ is the dinner, and they want beer, wine and coffe avec; When they're done eating they push you out of your bed and say that they want to sleep there, and in the morning after they throw Molotov cocktails into your living room, kitchen and bedrooms.
There are people in your country still alive that remember the German invasion and occupation of your country. Some may even have fought in the resistance. They didn't cut and run and abandon their homelands. They fought, died, and persevered because there was something special about Norway. Times were tough, food was in short supply but you don't give up on a land that has the bones of your ancestors. You didn't flee terrorism. You didn't, as a population, betray your heritage.

If we look at the influx of people pouring into Europe and don't let ourselves be beguiled by photos of women and children, we find that three quarters or so are young men. They're of the age that Norwegians were when they joined the resistance in WW2. They come to Europe and before they even ask for food, they want to know where they can charge their iPads and iPhones. They're cowards and shopping which country can give them the best deal - the most money, housing, etc. They look to not so much become French, German, or Norwegian, but to establish their culture, whatever it may be and will use your generosity, your self-imposed guilt, your laws against you.

I look at a map of Norway and see an outline. The outline is your territorial borders but if you don't respect your borders and look for what's best for your country and people, you'll cease to become Norway. You'll have pissed on the graves of your ancestors who looked to leave a better world for you.


Audioholic Warlord
There are people in your country still alive that remember the German invasion and occupation of your country. Some may even have fought in the resistance. They didn't cut and run and abandon their homelands. They fought, died, and persevered because there was something special about Norway. Times were tough, food was in short supply but you don't give up on a land that has the bones of your ancestors. You didn't flee terrorism. You didn't, as a population, betray your heritage.

If we look at the influx of people pouring into Europe and don't let ourselves be beguiled by photos of women and children, we find that three quarters or so are young men. They're of the age that Norwegians were when they joined the resistance in WW2. They come to Europe and before they even ask for food, they want to know where they can charge their iPads and iPhones. They're cowards and shopping which country can give them the best deal - the most money, housing, etc. They look to not so much become French, German, or Norwegian, but to establish their culture, whatever it may be and will use your generosity, your self-imposed guilt, your laws against you.

I look at a map of Norway and see an outline. The outline is your territorial borders but if you don't respect your borders and look for what's best for your country and people, you'll cease to become Norway. You'll have pissed on the graves of your ancestors who looked to leave a better world for you.
If there are people that remember.... you betcha
My father was with a team aiming to sink Tirpitz
My uncle was a short Sunderland pilot with RAF
They didn't escape but risked their lives every day for the country they loved, both of them hardly passed the age of 20....

The people who run their home countries to look for economic refugee are nothing but cowards and bandits
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Here is my question: What can I do to help?

What created this current climate with ISIS and Syria and what can I do going forward?

I have a lot of questions and I'm sure a college level of needed education just to get my mind wrapped around this mess we are all globally mired in.


Audioholic Overlord
Sad times, but ISIS made a critical mistake attacking France. Now they have Russia and NATO coming for them and I'm cheering for the Russians to get the main leaders so they can show them the wonders of Siberia in winter.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Sad times, but ISIS made a critical mistake attacking France. Now they have Russia and NATO coming for them and I'm cheering for the Russians to get the main leaders so they can show them the wonders of Siberia in winter.
I agree with your perspective. It's a similar situation Adolf found himself in. As to Putin showing them Siberia, I don't think so. Remember about 12 years ago when Chechyn Islamists took over that building with several hundred people in it? Putin waited something like 3 days to get a grasp on the situation and make plans. Finally when some of the hostages were executed, Putin had sleeping gas pumped in to knock as many out as possible. He decided he would save as many as he could. There was collateral damage as some hostages did die from the gas but that was preferable to all. As to the Islamists, they were all killed. Didn't matter if they were unconscious or wounded. They were eliminated. Unconditional surrender or unconditional death.


Audioholic Warlord
I will calm down now..... Breathe in .... Breathe out


Audioholic Spartan
The horrible terrorist act in France also shed a spotlight on the level of propaganda in the U.S. media.

France closed its borders after the attack. No mention in the press about them being racist.
Trump only "proposed" building a fence on our southern border.... those that deal in propaganda.... oops I meant to say sophisticated / factual journalism wasn't as kind.:D


Audioholics Master Chief
Also, as a fun exercise, I have sent your post through my new invention - the time filter! I sent your message back 60 years in time, and this is how it came back:

When you read this you will understand why Obama refuses to say the words "radical Communism." Did you know that We Now Have a Communist Government? ... John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Marxism while stationed in red China.

Obama's top advisor, Valerie Jarrett,~~is a Communist who was born in Russia where her parents still live. Hillary Clinton's top advisor, Huma Abedin,~~is a Communist, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Communist Party in Egypt.

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan,~~is a Communist. Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary,~~ is a Communist.

Obama advisor and founder of the Communist Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati,~~ is a Communist. Obama's Bolshevism Czar, Subcomandante Mohamed Magid, of the Marxist Society of North America~~ is a Communist.

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighbor-hood Partnerships, Eboo Patel,~~is a Communist. And last but not least, our closet Communist himself,~~ Barack Hussein Obama. It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn't repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again….in private? CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of Das Kapital,~~not a Bible. Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy ~~of the Communist Manifesto. Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Communists taking over our government.

Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Communists groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over southeast Asia and the Cuba. The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become! Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It WILL only get worse. Plus John Kerry's son in law is an Russian Communist.

Had enough?

There is some unfortunate mistruths in this post and it's very arrogant to blame the Obama administration on the act of criminals. Let's not forget the whole reason ISIS exists in the first place - our war in Iraq and destabilization it caused. It's funny how people have amnesia about an illegal war we waged when we invaded the wrong country b/c of 9/11. BTW it's not just Bush's fault. He had the support of many democrats including Hillary too.

While its ok to have a difference of opinion on politics its NOT OK some of the hateful stuff you are saying about Obama like he is a communist, a muslim, etc. This is just another form of racism and I won't allow these type of posts on this thread against any person be it our president (democrat or republican) or anyone else.

Instead of instigating hate language how about we stick to the original topic of this thread, offering condolences for the innocents that were lost in this tragic event?
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Audioholics Whac-A-Mole'er™
I honestly believe that all Christians and Muslims just need to open their saturnine hearts and tenderly embrace Óðinn as their one true lord and savior, before it's too late...

Ragnarök approaches..!

The Kingdom of Valhalla awaits true believers..!



Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Calling somebody a Muslim is "hateful"?

This morning on the news I saw the head Muslim, (forgot what they're called), in France denouncing the attacks and calling for all Imams in France to also condemn the attacks and render aid where they could. This was the first time I've seen a Muslim official do that. The VERY first time.

The much more common response is what happened in my city yesterday. A group of Muslims and supporters had a candlelight service where the Imam talked about how badly the 99% of good Muslims were being treated because of the attacks. No condemnation of the attackers. No call to the 99% to help root out these bad apples. Just how unfair it is to treat them badly because of the actions of others.

If the extremists really are an extreme minority and do not represent the views of the majority in any way, why don't we see widespread outrage and condemnation by the majority and their leaders after all these attacks?

It is hard for me to trust the group as a whole, when the group doesn't take a very public stand against their "extremists".
Well, the president of Egypt, El-Sisi, earlier this year called for the need of Muslim clerics to lead the 'reform' of Islam to bring into line with modern times.


Audioholics Master Chief
Calling somebody a Muslim is "hateful"?

Yes when the person clearly is not. People call Obama a Muslin to be derogatory against him. Let's not pretend this isn't true especially when they emphasize his middle name.
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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
i think his old man was Muslim. As for Obama, I personally rather doubt he has any deep seated religious convictions.

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