from the FWIW department:
I recently purchased a 6 month old SVS SB-2000 and paired it with the ST's and associated center and I'm here to tell 'ya, it's the cats meow. here are my impressions that I shared with Swerd soon thereafter.
Richard … if I remember correctly …
now there’s a loaded statement coming from me 
… ur running ur ST’s without a sub, which is perfectly fine, since they already get down to 42Hz, an amazing spec for a speaker its size and the lack of a dedicated woofer driver. There’s no denying the inspired design/engineering involved in the Martin King TRL(?) in getting the speaker to get that far down but I always felt like the soundstage was a bit limited.
You’ve talked previously of upgrading to a pair of Veracity TL’s and I’ve no doubt that the drivers, cross-over and design are an upgrade from the ST’s but if ur basing that want on a wider soundstage u might want to seriously consider picking up a SB-2000 unit … or two, for even more slam.
I originally paired the ST’s with a EMP Tek 1010i, which added a wee bit more depth … bottom end of 32Hz … to the soundstage but not enough to satisfy me, like the SVS PB-12NSD sub did with my Focal 1027Be’s in the living room. The only hesitation I had though was that another PB-12NSD in here … 14’x14’ vs. 20’x20’ in my LR … would’ve been a bit too much and the ported models are more geared to HT anyway. I was looking for a tighter floor, something a bit more nimble with music. So at that point I set my sights on a sealed sub, specifically the SVS SB line. While I would have been happy with the SB-1000, I wanted the 2000 model based on specs … 19Hz vs. 24Hz … and it comes in a gorgeous piano black finish with unbelievable fit & finish vs. the plain Jane black wood veneer of the 1000 model and size; at 20.9" (H) x 17.3" (W) x 25.4"(D) it’s just downright Lilliputian. It took me a year and half but finally bagged one. It finally arrived yesterday and …
words fail me. It’s like I have a brand new set of speakers ...
seriously. It’s the perfect complement to the ST’s …
in this room at least.
Hope all is well with u & xxxxx ... V.
I can literally feel the floor vibrating and the pressurizing of the room to my whole body, my chest, with no loss whatsoever … none … to the clarity of the mid’s and high’s while listening to this song.
it’s a good day in Mudville.

Take care.