Clean tight and accurate under $1K recommendations please



Full Audioholic
The Hsu subs all extend to 200 Hz, however I don't know how you can low pass them on the high level inputs. Their internal crossovers only reach up to 90 hz. The Rythmiks only reach up past 80 Hz in their LFE input.
I am pretty sure their specs called for 200Hz with LFE
This is a simple proposition.

You can not use a down firing sub.
The link you provided is for a down firing 12" sub, VTF MK4


Audioholic Slumlord
He could but that will get him 100% over budget.

The 2 HSU subs keep him very close to his $1000 budget for subs.

The Rhythmic sub barely gets him to 200 Hz. I think for his purposes he will be much better off without a servo sub. For his application a wide bandwidth sub is a very important criterion.
The HSU's will not go higher than the Rythmiks nor do they have thw flexability of control that is present in the Rythmiks. Rythmiks are made in the US as well; at least the L12V-R is which I own.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
The Rythmiks must use the LFE inputs for their upper end extension to stretch above 80 Hz, but they will extend high. The Hsus do have a lot flexibility especially with their variable tuning models, but the Rythmiks do have a PEQ which the Hsus do not have. However the VTF2 certainly has more flexibility than the LV12r, as the LV12r lacks many of the features of the higher end models. I would be very surprised if the LV12r is made in the USA. Do you have a picture of the country of origin marker? I really doubt it is made in the USA.


Audioholic Slumlord
The Rythmiks must use the LFE inputs for their upper end extension to stretch above 80 Hz, but they will extend high. The Hsus do have a lot flexibility especially with their variable tuning models, but the Rythmiks do have a PEQ which the Hsus do not have. However the VTF2 certainly has more flexibility than the LV12r, as the LV12r lacks many of the features of the higher end models. I would be very surprised if the LV12r is made in the USA. Do you have a picture of the country of origin marker? I really doubt it is made in the USA.
shadyj, I was refering to the F12SE in terms of flexability. The F12SE certainly offers more than the LV12-R which in turn offers more flexability than most sub in its price class. BTW, the LV12-R also has variable tuning modes as illustrated by


Speaker of the House
Staff member
If you are referring to the bass extension settings, that is a damping switch, kind of like the Q control on the Hsu subs. Since it does not affect the physical tuning point of the subwoofer, it can not be thought of as variable tuning. I don't mean to sound critical of your sub, I spent some time with its predecessor the FV12 and found it to be a terrific subwoofer.


Audioholic Slumlord
If you are referring to the bass extension settings, that is a damping switch, kind of like the Q control on the Hsu subs. Since it does not affect the physical tuning point of the subwoofer, it can not be thought of as variable tuning. I don't mean to sound critical of your sub, I spent some time with its predecessor the FV12 and found it to be a terrific subwoofer.
Never read it as criticism... just a clarification in terms. :)


Full Audioholic
Well, again, both subs sound great, and I'd probably be happy with either.
Still leaning towards the Rythmik. I just like solid…paper notes I'm reading on them.
I was not really impressed though when I called their contact number for advice…

Sure would be sweet if I could audition both the HSU and Rythmik at the same time
and ported vs sealed, which brings me back to some important input from TLS…

Ok, going back through TLSs' kind mentoring me on building of my current system
when I researched the Bose 10 AM and got me to this forum.
(in the meantime, I've seen and read about the ML Balanced Force and the Legacy Goliath
subwoofers and I have to walk away with drool marks on my jib)

here's the point I'm referring to…

All you need a a good low powered receiver and a sealed sub like one form SVS.
This will be within your budget and you will have a far better system than most members on this forum...
Now all you need is a good sealed sub...

Two subs are nice but I would start with one.

You have electrostatic panels, which are non resonant. Ported speakers are resonant by definition.
A sealed sub will be a much better match. It is very hard to blend subs with electrostatic loudspeakers.
Personally I think one sub will be enough to start with. My recollection was correct the -3db point of your panels is right around 50 Hz.
All you need to do is supplement them gently, not cross them over.
Because of the very different nature of electrostatics, you will have to be subtle in the use of a sub.

You already have a superior system the goal has to be not to spoil it.
So this is why I say I'm confused with the 12" down firing vented recommendation.
I know what I'd do if I won the lottery ;)
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Full Audioholic
Hey Acoustat. Here's my suggestion. Build a pair of subs yourself.

2 of these drivers With their copper sleeve / low inductance, and low fs they will have no difficulty digging plenty deep while playing high well.
2 of these enclosures with the corresponding cutout.
1 of these amplifiers.
2 tubes of this
6 to 7 of these
What about my suggestion?
Thanks for breaking that down GranteedEV. Pushing $1000 for the pair and the amp looks nice.
I like the Drive Core technology to clean up "dirty" AC line levels. I don't think this amp
offers the other control the Rythmik does though, could be wrong, but I'm not really wanting
to go with a kit. Someone else had mentioned a kit previously, something I'm not wanting
to get into. I do like the power handling of the drivers but they aren't matched to the amp really.

Just off the tele with SVS :) Jack was extremely helpful, easy to understand, and knew his stuff.
Very polite and courteous as well. I had called with a question on the Ultra Surrounds running in Duet mode
and we got onto the subject of my mains, amp, AVR suggestion from him and ultimately, the subwoofers.
He was not is "sales pitch" mode either :) as I finally asked as we hung up, 12 or 15" subs (they don't make 15's)
and when I suggested the SB-2000, he suggested in pair would be great for room size and being sealed, especially,
if I were to go with the Audyssey MultEQ XT32 which would articulate the bass much better through the AVR.


Full Audioholic
actually those drivers are better matched as I looked at the impedance and the crossover ability of the amp, than I gave them credit,
up to 3KHz, pretty cool. Still a kit and I prefer to go with a whole package at this point in time
from a manufacturer that has such unprecedented testing of all their materials and components
under one roof with the same team year after year.

Now when it comes to components of a sound system like amp, pre amp and motorized devices…
I actually prefer to extract from manufacturers, the best option for what they are good at.
Otherwise, I would have had all Carver equipment period, but no, only the amp ;)
so I get building from other manufacturers, just not a conglomerate for one piece. again, thanks!
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Full Audioholic
If you can pull the extra $300, I would highly recommend a pair of SB2000 subs. Just one is plenty of volume in my 2700^3ft room, and it is so fast and articulate. I will be adding a second before too long.
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Full Audioholic
If you can pull the extra $300, I would highly recommend a pair of SB2000 subs. Just one is plenty of volume in my 2700^3ft room, and it is so fast and articulate. I will be adding a second before too long.
Well, after seeing ParadigmDawgs experience, you can't blame me for having mixed feelings on their amps.
Whichever I go with, be assured it will begin as one, with a twin brother in the oven for next year.
The CS was top notch when on the tele with SVS, and way under par with Rythmik.
Could've been an after hours thing (4ish pm in Texas) but I seriously doubt that was the case.
It was a strain to understand the voice I was connected to as well.

Do believe I'll be ordering a Denon 4000X this weekend. Should I start a build thread?
It won't be a full fledged HT system for a bit, but would be a nice conversion process.


Full Audioholic
really...why not?
Seems like while discussing my room with SVS Jack mentioned a crossover point
(we were discussing vented) when I said Id be crossing higher above 100Hz he said
the upper frequencies, how should I put this as I forget now, muddy perhaps was the term
then he said if I did cross over higher than 80Hz a sealed sub would sound better.

The reasons for a higher crossover is twofold
1. blending with the panels
2. less frequent "blue moon" higher SPL as the panels do not handle
the lower end with 45% volume applied. Now at lower volume, still loud enough
there's no subwoofer that's going to come close to the mains for the setup.
I forget my frequency response, but it's pretty comprhensive.


Audioholic Chief
really...why not?
have you tried a 160hz crossover with a down firing sub? re-reading from the begining would help. his objective wasnt stated at first but he needs to cross high with his mains, by high really high;)
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Audioholic Slumlord
Well, after seeing ParadigmDawgs experience, you can't blame me for having mixed feelings on their amps.
Whichever I go with, be assured it will begin as one, with a twin brother in the oven for next year.
The CS was top notch when on the tele with SVS, and way under par with Rythmik.
Could've been an after hours thing (4ish pm in Texas) but I seriously doubt that was the case.
It was a strain to understand the voice I was connected to as well.

Do believe I'll be ordering a Denon 4000X this weekend. Should I start a build thread?
It won't be a full fledged HT system for a bit, but would be a nice conversion process.
I'm very surprised by your experience with Ryhmik's help. I've received emails from Enrico and Brian Ding in the 1:00am to 2:am time frame answering all of my questions..

Read some of the responses from this thread.

Official Rythmik Audio Subwoofer thread - Page 558 - AVS Forum


Full Audioholic
Just this morning, (Saturday), Amazon price dropped from $1399 to $799. denon x4000 receiver
Thanks, I was looking at an Amazon "vendor" sister site, whatever, @ $749 shipped open box, but "new"

have you tried a 160hz crossover with a down firing sub? re-reading from the begining would help. his objective wasnt stated at first but he needs to cross high with his mains, by high really high;)
Yeh above 80Hz bass is more directional. I believe SVS said the Denon 4000 actually has true L and R subwoofer outs, not so sure about that, it does have 2.
I do know it has more outs than you can shake one stick at. 11 pre outs is more than anybody would need.

I'm very surprised by your experience with Ryhmik's help. I've received emails from Enrico and Brian Ding in the 1:00am to 2:am time frame answering all of my questions..

Read some of the responses from this thread.

Official Rythmik Audio Subwoofer thread - Page 558 - AVS Forum
email and actual conversation are completely different. Plus, when talking about
a piece of equipment that reproduces sound accurately, the conversation should not be straining to the ear.
I'm always optimistic though, that perhaps there were unforeseen reasons I got who I did on the phone.
It was definitely not a connection issue, and you cannot hold someones voice characteristic flaws against them.
They could've had throat cancer for all I know, so I'll never hold that against them as a person at all.

I like the CS end of things at SVS, but the recent issue with the amps (2 from ParadigmDawg and another in his Alex thread)
is certainly reason to give pause and consider. The best CS and warranty means nothing after the warranty, so if I'm
reading about 3 of their amps going out in a single recent thread, I'll consider that. One more reason not to go with a kit
multiple warranties…shoot, my speakers came with a lifetime warranty. But since the Rockford Corp. does not exist anymore...

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