When we were building the house before this one, my wife wanted to go modern, so I took her to a friend of mines home in Boston, they have a 500 sq ft bar in their home, their bedroom has to be $600 sq ft with the master bath open to the bedroom, his master closets are hanging 10" off of the floor, they built them as pods then ceiling hung them with cables and a 6" steel pipe through the center {keep it from moving when you walk in it, and it works well, you would think it was solid mounted to the floor}. The ceilings which are about 14ft on all 3 floors, have no pitch, all flat... The furniture is all super modern, solid colors, white, Black , red, not much else... The kitchen cabinets fold up, so the bottom cabinet pulls forward and the upper wall cabinet fall down and hides behind it... Anyway you get the idea, I would not have gone that crazy, but I took her there to see what it was like and when we left she was totally against it... She said it felt cold, hard, and even though it was 100% custom felt like machines lived there, like the clothes you pull out of the drawers would stay folded no matter how hard you tried to shake them out...
Any way we ended up traditional, and this house I live in now I also built traditional... It feels like home, not a doctors office.. I have been in some nice homes in Miami, a friend does well and owns a couple car dealerships, he lives in a place called coral gable its insane...