Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Ninja
Who needs hacked photos? ;) :eek: :D

Wait - does she put eggs in the PB&J cake?
Yes she puts eggs in the cake, because she is not going to eat it, but she won't eat cake rite now anyway, she does make vegan cakes with no eggs and no milk, she uses almond milks and other stuff when she makes her own stuff, which I also eat... There are a few vegan deserts that are better than the non, like sticky buns, she makes these vegan sticky buns that are better than any other sticky bun I ever tried...

She knows how I feel about pb&j so she knew when I seen that cake I would have to have it, lol... I will take that entire thing with me for lunch, lol..

PS- I have had a beard since I was 13-14, I have NEVER shaved it off completely, my wife wanted me to do it for our wedding and I wouldn't, I am attached to it, literally.. It goes through stages of styles, like rite now its short on the sides with a long chin, some times I do it thin and short, sometimes wide down my cheeks and the same length as my hair, but NEVER gone...


Audioholic Jedi
I asked about the eggs because you said she wouldn't make cheeseburger cupcakes because she's vegan. Those cupcakes are vegetarian like your PB&J cake. :)

Man, won't ever shave your beard? What are you trying to hide? :p According to one of your previous posts, you could grow it back in about a day, so it's not like a long-term commitment.


Audioholic Jedi
Haha Adam, do you like haveing a beard
It's okay. I doubt I keep it for long, but I figured that I'd try a change. It does take a little less time to shave, but I do still have to shave the edges plus use a trimmer from time to time.


Audioholic Warlord
PS- I have had a beard since I was 13-14, I have NEVER shaved it off completely, my wife wanted me to do it for our wedding and I wouldn't, I am attached to it, literally.. It goes through stages of styles, like rite now its short on the sides with a long chin, some times I do it thin and short, sometimes wide down my cheeks and the same length as my hair, but NEVER gone...
Well, of course! You don't want to stand out in one of your ISIS group photos, would you?:D


Audioholic Chief
I'm thinking potato chip...right?
I'll give you a hint: It looks sort of like the mayo she ate... but warmer.

I like them. Yeah, judge me if you want. :D Cute, entertaining, and the video quality is good. They do make me want to run out and get my teeth whitened, though.
I'll judge their video, not you. I'll also give them that the video quality and lighting was good, looks like it was shot with a 5D.

I'll also judge cupcakes, which are stupid. Cupcakes are a huge let down.

(lol, yes, I realize I'm crazy )


Audioholic Ninja
Man, won't ever shave your beard? What are you trying to hide? :p According to one of your previous posts, you could grow it back in about a day, so it's not like a long-term commitment.

I am scared I may not be the same person and then the new beardless person I turn into will keep shaving and I won't be able to come back... and what if he turns out to be gay or worse not like music..


Audioholic Chief
When I read your first post, I thought (a) the standard answer and then (b) the curling iron.

Guys...we're so unpredictable. :)


I'm watching From Dusk Till Dawn while I work. Sorta, distracted... which, is predictable.


Audioholic Ninja
All this beard talk has got me wishing Steph would let me grow mine :(
You should shoot for getting your balls back from her first, :D, lol... Don't feel bad if my wife told me to shave it I would...


You should shoot for getting your balls back from her first, :D, lol... Don't feel bad if my wife told me to shave it I would...
I'm not silly enough to ask she would get mad at me happy wife happy life right? Or do I just keep saying that to trick myself in to keeping her happy?


Audioholic Ninja
I'm not silly enough to ask she would get mad at me happy wife happy life right? Or do I just keep saying that to trick myself in to keeping her happy?
No she tricked you into saying it, you fall asleep and she whispers "happy wife happy life happy wife happy life happy wife happy life" she brain washed you...
Relationships are confusing, you want a beard so she should say "I want him to be happy he wants a beard grow a beard", but she doesn't like beards so you should say "she doeesn't like beards I want her to be happy so I will shave"... The trick to this catch 22 situation is marry someone that likes beards... Now when it comes to other stuff like she likes to eat in and you like to eat out, she likes to have the window down and you like the A/C on with windows up, she likes to watch tv and you like to listen to music, this is different these things have nothing to do with you personal preferences about yourself like what you wear, how you look, what you eat, ect... These are things that effect you both from a 3rd position, so you have to learn COMPROMISE, this is the secret to a happy life, you compromise and make both of you happy... You can do this with a beard too, grow a beard for 2 weeks and shave for 2 weeks, or just shave half of your face...

Marriage is a surf board with a hole in it, no matter how much you pay attention to where the hole is some day you are going to step in it and a shark is going to take your foot off...

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