The rotary selector has several selections, but one (green) has the omega / ohm symbol and five selections: 2M / 220k / 20k / 2k / 200.
Set it to 200, that means in the range it will measure resistance of up to 200 ohms. It will give you the best accuracy for the few ohms you are measuring. 2K means 2,000 ohm and 2M means 2,000,000 (2 millions) ohms.
there is then a red segment and a white segment and (still green) 10A / 200m / 20m / 2m / 200u.
Don't get close to those, leave them alone, they are for d.c. current measurements and not suitable for beginners
May I take the reading with the speaker leads connected, or must they be disconnected.
Disconnect the speaker leads from the speakers, remove jumpers, but you already did because you were by-wiring before right? Then do the following:
1) Set the meter to the 200 ohm range.
2) Plug the black lead into the COM and red lead into the VΩmA terminals of the meter.
3) Short the leads together and you should see the meter display read 0 ohm. This step is just to verify the battery in the meter is good and is reading correctly.
4) Put the leads onto the woofer's terminals, black to black and red to red, though it really does not matter for resistance measurements.
5) Take the reading after the display stabilizes, it will vary for a split second as it will be charging up the capacitor of the crossover circuit.
And yes, on both amps the balance had to be turned almost to 3 o'clock to achieve a balanced sound. Thank you....Joseph
That is almost a certain sign of trouble.