Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
You could always just make it link to Gene's e-mail address. :D
I was originally thinking of linking to the webcam in Walters apt, but I wasn't sure if the would drive traffic to AH up or away. So I went with the politicians decision of not making a decision and abstaining from any action :D


Audioholic Jedi
This will come as a shock, so I hope that you're sitting down.

I wish that I was wealthy.


Audioholic Warlord
I forget what they were, but I recall OEA would put in some good links to replace the autolinks. :D
I do recall that. He got me with a few good one's :D

This will come as a shock, so I hope that you're sitting down.

I wish that I was wealthy.
I aspire to wish I was wealthy. :p

Also, where is this new members only area and when is there going to be another way to get in? I sures as sh!t don't want to pay $70 for a bunch of e-books I probably won't read just to get in.

NVM found it.


Audioholic Jedi
sures as sh!t don't want to pay $70 for a bunch of e-books I probably won't read just to get in.
I heard that. They can call $70 a bargain, but that doesn't make it so.

Btw, they tout the members only spot as a place to go get advice from staff and forum members, but unless they make it really cheap, I doubt many forum members are actually going to join - making the free forum the real place to go get advice. I think the whole split forum idea is a bad one. It's already slow enough around here.


Audioholic Warlord
I heard that. They can call $70 a bargain, but that doesn't make it so.

Btw, they tout the members only spot as a place to go get advice from staff and forum members, but unless they make it really cheap, I doubt many forum members are actually going to join - making the free forum the real place to go get advice. I think the whole split forum idea is a bad one. It's already slow enough around here.
I was thinking the same thing. How are these people who pay that much to get into this special area going to get help from anyone but the mods and gene when the people who don't need or want the e-books are out here in the free forum? I mean, there's some really cool stuff going on in the "other" forum I'll stay out here with all the cool kids :D

I noticed that as well, the slowness that is. I almost always find myself wandering around AVS and Techtalk because nothing new has been posted here in a couple hours. Doesn't help that that Granteed, Alex, and a few other regulars are on hiatus. Which brings us back to the "what about the guys who are ALWAYS here" point about the new content. Although, I guess that point was made clear. The forum comes in a distant second to bringing more traffic to the main website, which then generates more ad dollars.


Audioholic Warlord
On a brighter note, I'm gonna go lug my sub skeleton up to the house and insert some 65lb drivers into it. See if it works or not :D
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Installed a radiant barrier on my garage door today. I hope it helps, even just a little :D



Audioholic Jedi
Installed a radiant barrier on my garage door today. I hope it helps, even just a little :D
Oh, I'm sure it will help...reflect the heat from your hot engine back into the garage. :D

J/K. Kind of. Well, not really. Question - was your garage door much hotter than the interior? Not trying to be patronizing...just curious.


Audioholic Jedi
I was wondering what to have for lunch, and just remembered that I have left over pizza from last night. Score!

Ooh laaaay, oh lay, oh lay, oh lay...


Audioholic General
Happy Mother's Day from Parker Colorado !

And it's just getting started :0
will be brooming snow off trees for the next 24 hours:(
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Oh, I'm sure it will help...reflect the heat from your hot engine back into the garage. :D

J/K. Kind of. Well, not really. Question - was your garage door much hotter than the interior? Not trying to be patronizing...just curious.
My garage door (and the front of my house) gets a lot of direct sunlight. If the barrier prevents the garage from getting so hot so quickly, I'll consider it a success :) And yes, it will retain heat as well but it's not like I leave my car running in there :D


Audioholic Jedi
And yes, it will retain heat as well but it's not like I leave my car running in there :D
Fair enough. :D A huge source of heat in my garage in the summer is the residue heat from my car after I park it in frame from being out in the sun and hot air, and a hot engine.

I don't have one (that I know of), but have you considered a vent fan for your garage? You could install one with a thermal switch just like the ones they make for attics.


Audioholic Jedi
I took some of that Intestinal Drano again last night. Hey, back off...I have to write a review. :eek: :D

I believe that after three weekends, I have identified a trend. There's the initial surge in the morning, that the stupid could decide to try and wait out, but to no avail. You can try to reason with it. You can beg. You can cry. But, it will not be denied. Afterwards, though, there's the calm. "Hey, that wasn't so bad. That's some good stuff right there. Ahhh, all done."

Don't you believe it.

Nope, that's just the eye of the storm. The center of the Colon-cane (or Bowel-phoon in the South Pacific), as it were. The other side is on the way in about six hours. And when it arrives, it asks for no quarter and gives none in return. Oh, and it will be the victor. Have no doubt. All of the pre-Twister sphincter exercises in the world can't save you now. If you're on the phone, don't take time to say goodbye or even hang up. Just drop it and run. Run. If you're out in public...oh, sweet mother...I'll say a prayer for you.

Let's just say that deciding to take this before an airplane ride or road trip would be a colossally bad idea.

But, if you're at home and bored, well... :D


I've found an Australian audio forum, thanks for haveing me here you've become a family to me but afraid I won't be spending much time with you'd anymore

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