I took some of that Intestinal Drano again last night. Hey, back off...I have to write a review.
I believe that after three weekends, I have identified a trend. There's the initial surge in the morning, that the stupid could decide to try and wait out, but to no avail. You can try to reason with it. You can beg. You can cry. But, it will not be denied. Afterwards, though, there's the calm. "Hey, that wasn't so bad. That's some good stuff right there. Ahhh, all done."
Don't you believe it.
Nope, that's just the eye of the storm. The center of the Colon-cane (or Bowel-phoon in the South Pacific), as it were. The other side is on the way in about six hours. And when it arrives, it asks for no quarter and gives none in return. Oh, and it will be the victor. Have no doubt. All of the pre-Twister sphincter exercises in the world can't save you now. If you're on the phone, don't take time to say goodbye or even hang up. Just drop it and run. Run. If you're out in public...oh, sweet mother...I'll say a prayer for you.
Let's just say that deciding to take this before an airplane ride or road trip would be a colossally bad idea.
But, if you're at home and bored, well...