Hi guys, sorry to bother you again in this thread, but perhaps you can help me understand something. I recently purchased SB-2000 and had a few days to listen to it and evaluate. I now moved it to the floor, about 2 feet from the left corner of a 5000+ cubic feet room. I absolutely love it! I now have a good balance of low, mid and high bass in majority of listening locations. What I don't understand is this: why does this sub dig deeper in this extra large room than my SB-13 Ultra in a 3000 cubic feet theater room? Shouldn't it be the other way around, given the difference in driver size, enclosure volume and room size? SB-2000 plays well into the low teens, while Ultra stops producing sound pressure (despite moving quite a bit) at around 17 Hz. Above 30 Hz I would probably prefer the Ultra, but below that SB-2000 has a less steep roll-off than the Ultra, so the ultra low bass balance is better. Can this be attributed to room acoustics? Neither of the subs have had any equalization done to them.