Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
Woke up to frozen pipes and no water this morning. Overall, not an entirely pleasant morning, but an easy day at work. I guess it all balances out. Plus I get a free dinner tonight thanks to the GF having an extremely generous boss (one of her part time jobs).


Audioholic Spartan
life can't possibley get any worse :(
I think you fully lost it now..............

Look at these pictures from Kyiv.... Police shooting into the masses towards unarmed people who's only crime is demonstrating towards the dictator president, maybe you want to change place with these demonstrators, yes :D

3 people were killed by police yesterday

Kampene i Kiev - VG Nett
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Audioholic Ninja
Woke up to frozen pipes and no water this morning. Overall, not an entirely pleasant morning, but an easy day at work. I guess it all balances out. Plus I get a free dinner tonight thanks to the GF having an extremely generous boss (one of her part time jobs).
beware the gf's generous boss...


Audioholic Spartan
Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- At least four people have been shot dead and hundreds injured as demonstrators clash with police over new laws limiting the right to protest in Ukraine, the head of the protest movement's volunteer medical service, Oleg Musiy, told CNN on Wednesday.
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Audioholic Slumlord
its probably not the kind of video you want, probably a corporate behavior instruction video, not a vixen video, lol
In that case I have an idea for a movie.

I am listening to Iron Man for the third time in a row.
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Audioholic Ninja
black sabath iron man?

Sometimes I get into a song and will listen to it a bunch of times, some times i hit repeat and am too lazy to get up s I wait for my wife to say "why are you playing the same song over and over" then I say "change it if you don't like it" and she does, WIN... but normally she puts on some glee track that them kids murdered and had the ballz to record themselves doing it.... fail...

My favorite songs to repeat is Mcleans American Pie, Queens Bohemian, pink floyds the wall, and jefferson airplanes white rabbit, I have them four on a playlist called "how do I feel today?"


Audioholic Jedi
Many millions of creatures, including humans, who never hurt another soul are killed every year - but yet we spend resources to feed and house someone like that. Uggg.


Audioholic Spartan
Many millions of creatures, including humans, who never hurt another soul are killed every year - but yet we spend resources to feed and house someone like that. Uggg.
Nature is cruel

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