I'm definitely thinking of moving away from Apple, at least as far as mobile devices are concerned. I was a little disappointed with the 5S when I played with it and I'm not sure I can justify the price of the iPad mini for what I'd use it for.
The two for one on the Note and the Tab seems perfect since it will get me a small, functional tablet and the more research I do on the Note the more I think I'll like it. It will definitely take some getting used to though, not having my phone and computer on the exact same page. Plus a new app system to get used to and leaving a lot of apps I paid for. Plus having to deal with configuring a completely different e-mail app and trying to figure out how to get my iCloud e-mail forwarded, then not having e-mail I delete on the phone not deleted when I turn on the computer. I better stop before I talk myself out of it