I have played around with my friend's iBook, that has Panther on it, a lot of times. I end up so aggrevated with it, I just have to stop, before I do some physical damage to it (such as, drop it on the floor, and stomp on it)! It is much harder to find your way around in that OS.
With the OS 9 system, if you were having problems with something, 95% of the time you could toss out the prefs for what you're having the problem with, and voila.....problem fixed! That doesn't work with OSX. Also have to learn a new bunch of keyboard shortcuts. Just TOO different, for me. A lot of differences I can't remember right now. It's just not as user friendly, as it once was. And I've heard a lot of people say this. Probably the newer mac users, that don't know any better, can jump in and run with it. But, us older guys, that are used to and set into the older OS', have problems with it. As I said......I'm not the only one that feels this way. If you like OSX, then you go ahead and enjoy it. If we get a new one in the future, I guess I'll either learn it, or just stay on the pc...........