YAY!!! Porcupine Tree's new one drops next week!!!



Audioholic Jedi
Last tour they did something similar - they played all of FOABP the first time and the second time they only did select tracks mixed in with a lot of other stuff. Always a great show. I couldn't make the first Incident show here so if they come back I will definitely go.


Audioholics Master Chief
Got my tickets today! going to see them in Tampa April 25th.

I also bought Fear of a Blank Planet and their new Disc on DVD-A from Burning Shed for around $30 shipped. I am pumped up for this. :D


Bought my first PT cd (absentia) yesterday. All I can say is "Im Hooked".


They are certainly one of my favorite bands. Going to see them again in Cincinnati May 1st. Anxiously awaiting the DVD-A of The Incident (it has been shipped).


Audioholic Jedi
Anxiously awaiting mine as well. Should be here any day now.


Audioholic Jedi
Arrived just about an hour ago and I happened to be here. WOW. Spectacular mix as always from Steve. I am really enjoying it and I have to say it is one of his best. This is my new favorite 5.1 disc.
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Last night I ordered Absentia, FOABP, Stupid Dream, The Incident, all in DVD-A. Any of you guys order from Burning Shed? Just curious on shipping time?


Audioholic Jedi
I always order from Burning Shed. Shipping time for me is about 4-5 days. IMO, Lightbulb Sun and Deadwing should be on your list as well if you don't have the DVD-As.

With this album, Ron Temple and I were talking about it and I said it sounds like there is almost too much going on; too many layers and he said that it was probably done intentionally for the multichannel mix. Well, I do believe he was right because it sounds amazing in multichannel. Like I said, this may be one of their best mixes yet. It very subtly moves from speaker to speaker and the lossless tracks hit with much more authority. The additional detail almost makes it sound like a different album. There's a layer of subtle sound that is not apparent on the CD.
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Audioholics Master Chief
ATTN All Porcupine Tree Fans: Get the ncident on DVD-A!

Holly crap. I am never using Rhapsody to preview music content before buying again. I was on fence about buying the Incident on DVD-A as I felt the music content was a bit weak and the "time flies" song was a rip off of Pink Floyd Animals.

As I listened to the disc on my system, I was blown away. The guitars smashing all around you made my arm hairs stand up. "Time Flies" broke me out in sweats. I am lovin this and considering it a tribute to Pink Floyd, NOT a rip off. The surround mix is fantastic thought at times a bit mixed to heavy in the rears which a fader control quickly resolves. I think I will write up a formal review.


Holly crap. I am never using Rhapsody to preview music content before buying again. I was on fence about buying the Incident on DVD-A as I felt the music content was a bit weak and the "time flies" song was a rip off of Pink Floyd Animals.
That good, huh? At first I didn't love the Incident, then I let it rest for a few weeks and now I like it a lot. I wasn't planning on buying the DVD-A, but if it's that big of a difference I just might.
Is anybody going to the Chicago show on April 30th? I got my tix last week, now I'm anxiously waiting.


Audioholic Jedi
Holly crap. I am never using Rhapsody to preview music content before buying again. I was on fence about buying the Incident on DVD-A as I felt the music content was a bit weak and the "time flies" song was a rip off of Pink Floyd Animals.

As I listened to the disc on my system, I was blown away. The guitars smashing all around you made my arm hairs stand up. "Time Flies" broke me out in sweats. I am lovin this and considering it a tribute to Pink Floyd, NOT a rip off. The surround mix is fantastic thought at times a bit mixed to heavy in the rears which a fader control quickly resolves. I think I will write up a formal review.
Circle of Manias is the one that gets me. The slow progression of The Seance meanders around and then it picks up right at the end and BLASTS you with the heavy gutiar in Circle right after. LOVE IT! Time Flies is my favorite track on there overall. Yes, there are a few spots where there is a bit too much guitar in the surrounds, but that is what Steve intended, so I am just enjoying it. I may need to drop my surrounds down -.5dB after crushing the house with this one.

Flicker is another great track from the bonus tracks that sounds amazing in 5.1
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I always order from Burning Shed. Shipping time for me is about 4-5 days. IMO, Lightbulb Sun and Deadwing should be on your list as well if you don't have the DVD-As.

Deadwing was out of stock along with absentia. Found absentia on fleabay for $16 and ordered it there. May try and add Lightbulb Sun before it ships.

Just checked Lightbulb Sun is out of stock too!
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Audioholic Jedi
I got In Absentia and Deadwing from dts.com back when they were selling discs and even got a dts Deadwing T-shirt :D All of their other DVD-As I have bought from Burning Shed


Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
John, I'm glad you and Gene liked it. I got mine today and will give it a listen sometime this weekend. On AVS some have complained that it's light (almost non existent) in the bass/LFE (kickdrums are lifeless, etc.) ...others claim it's astounding at the bottom. I hope it's not that some bad disks went out and if so, I didn't get one.

Anyway, mixed reviews over there, but The Incident won't be everyone's cup of tea. I think it's an amazing work of art that takes time to appreciate. Kudos to Wilson for taking risks. PT has always been reminiscent of Pink Floyd to me, elements of Genesis and other bands as well, but are uniquely PT for all that.
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Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
Gave it a whirl yesterday...definitely the concept was designed for MCH enjoyment. With the added space, the detail, formerly compressed into 2 channels, opens up into a very enjoyable presentation. Some of the guitar tonal (or atonal) choices still seem a tad shrill in places, but with the additional space, it's not nearly as hard to take. I did notice the heavy guitar riffs in the surround channel vs front stage. That was surprising, usually PT has a defined front presentation with harmonies and ambience to the back, not this time. I can't remember the names of all the tracks, but I'm leaning toward Flicker, The Seance, Driving the Hearse and Remember Me Lover as my new favorites. That could change with more repetition.

I did have to bump my LFE (on my Oppo SE) up 4dbs for this one to sound right.


Audioholic Jedi
I didn't have to mess with my LFE at all on this one. I was doing some listening today and there are tracks even on In Absentia that have guitars in the surrounds, though it isn't common. I still really like the this m/c mix. It seems to come from everywhere, all working together. Seems like there are times when he wants you to notice the surrounds and other times where he wants it to seem almost like they aren't there because they are so perfectly supplementing the mains that it just sounds like a cocoon of sound.

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
I still really like the this m/c mix. It seems to come from everywhere, all working together. Seems like there are times when he wants you to notice the surrounds and other times where he wants it to seem almost like they aren't there because they are so perfectly supplementing the mains that it just sounds like a cocoon of sound.
I thought about that too, good description. While there were times when effects were localizable in discrete channels, there was also alot of walls of sound, front and side soundstage, then wrapping around behind.


Guys, thanks for turning an old man on to this band. I have been listening to Absentia for the past couple weeks. Taking your advice ordered some of their DVD-A disc. The first to arrive is Deadwing and it is absolutely intoxicating. Have not enjoyed music this much in years! :D


Guys, thanks for turning an old man on to this band. I have been listening to Absentia for the past couple weeks. Taking your advice ordered some of their DVD-A disc. The first to arrive is Deadwing and it is absolutely intoxicating. Have not enjoyed music this much in years! :D
That is freaking awesome! They Rawk! :D

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