Gave it a whirl yesterday...definitely the concept was designed for MCH enjoyment. With the added space, the detail, formerly compressed into 2 channels, opens up into a very enjoyable presentation. Some of the guitar tonal (or atonal) choices still seem a tad shrill in places, but with the additional space, it's not nearly as hard to take. I did notice the heavy guitar riffs in the surround channel vs front stage. That was surprising, usually PT has a defined front presentation with harmonies and ambience to the back, not this time. I can't remember the names of all the tracks, but I'm leaning toward Flicker, The Seance, Driving the Hearse and Remember Me Lover as my new favorites. That could change with more repetition.
I did have to bump my LFE (on my Oppo SE) up 4dbs for this one to sound right.