
It's nice to have any review and thanks to Audioholics for getting this one up fast. I guess I was hoping for a bit more on the guts of this receiver, even some pics. I'd like to know more about the power supply (type, weight, quality) same goes for the capacitors, heat sinks etc. I'd also like to have comparisons made between similar recievers namely the Pioneer Elite VSX-54tx and the Denon AVR-3805.

I can't help but come away from that review feeling that the author would rather not talk too much about the amps in this unit. I could be totally wrong and I have to admit I've kind of ignored receiver technology for 5 yrs or so since I last researched online and ended up with a Yamaha rxv-595a. Maybe power supply, caps and amps don't matter as much these days as I seem to remember when I was first trying educate myself way back when.

Oh yeah, I'm really surprised that the "pure direct" mode doesn't provide a signal to the sub-out. Is there a good reason for this or is it a feature too expensive to include in a receiver in this price range ?

thanks for the review !



I totally agree with the above post.

Having a review is nice but we need a shootout with other receivers in the same price range. And we need to compare the internal guts as well as the music and HT performance. As the reviewer has much experience with Denon 3805 and other receivers, it would make sense to give us some comparision among them. Most of the information in this 2500 review can be obtained by reading the manual, so it is not very useful to me. For example, the build quality of 2500 has only 4 stars, we need to know why and which one are you comparing with.

One of the nice thing about the projectorcentral dot com site is that they always provide the latest comparion among projectors. It helps everyone to choose the right one. I would hope the respectable Audioholics do the samething.

I also wonder why there is no review on the Pioneer Ellite receivers. Do you only review the one that you are selling or promoting ?

This is my first post on this site and sorry for any inappropriate words.

ewclam9 said:
I also wonder why there is no review on the Pioneer Ellite receivers. Do you only review the one that you are selling or promoting ?

This is my first post on this site and sorry for any inappropriate words.
Somewhat inappropriate considering we dont sell anything.

We first contacted Pioneer at CEDIA this year and should be lining up products for review from them starting shortly. They make some great products.

Because we did a fairly exhaustive review of the RX-V2400 it seemed pointless to completely rehash what is basically an upgraded receiver, albeit it a good one, so I focused more on what was changed (GUI, remote, YPAO system, etc).

Please note that we already posted an RX-V2500 vs. RX-V2400 comparison chart that outlined the major differences (another request I believe) and we might be able to do some amplifier power ratings as well (but didn't want to hold up the review on that alone.)

We're currently linking up the comparison chart to the review so that new readers will realize it exists.


Apologize for any inappropriate words.

It would be very nice if there is comparision with different recevers from other companies in the same price range, in terms of its internal components, music and HT performance. Thanks a million in advance :)

I am not a totally audioholic yet, but with you help, I will be :D
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Junior Audioholic
The real comparison...that I am interested in...is simply...

Did the 2500 sound better than the 2400...and in which instances...

Then I would like to know why...is it because of the caps/power supply etc.

Thank you for the review...however it did not help me decide which to buy...

The 2400 is going for 695 and the 2500 for 1399...

Is the receiver twice as good?


From what I see at the back, the v2500 has different design than the v2400. What is changed internally? I wonder. :confused:


dm_4u said:
The real comparison...that I am interested in...is simply...

Did the 2500 sound better than the 2400...and in which instances...

Then I would like to know why...is it because of the caps/power supply etc.

Thank you for the review...however it did not help me decide which to buy...

The 2400 is going for 695 and the 2500 for 1399...

Is the receiver twice as good?
My point EXACTLY! A comparison chart is nice to highlight the feature changes, but I would think that most people here are interested in finding out how the receivers sound in comparison to each other - which is something that the comparison chart does not help with.

For example, the comparison chart notes that the 2500 has:

"Schottky Barrier Diode for high sound quality"

This is nice to say, but does it really improve the sound? If so, how much and in what way? That is what I was expecting to see at least some mention of in the review since Audioholics did an extensive review of the 2400 and should be able to do this quite easily unless it is simply a matter that Gene did the review on the 2400 and Clint on the 2500.

My initial gut feeling is that the "improvements" in the 2500 are not worth upgrading for in comparison to the 2400 given the current price differentials between the 2 units, but it would be nice to have more information in the review in order to make a more informed decision. I would consider upgrading to the 2500 if it really did sound better, but there are not that many opportunities to compare the sound quality of the 2400 and 2500 side by side any longer.



taxman150 said:
For example, the comparison chart notes that the 2500 has:

"Schottky Barrier Diode for high sound quality"

This is nice to say, but does it really improve the sound? If so, how much and in what way? That is what I was expecting to see at least some mention of in the review since Audioholics did an extensive review of the 2400 and should be able to do this quite easily unless it is simply a matter that Gene did the review on the 2400 and Clint on the 2500.
I know sound is a very subjective to every individual. Everyone seems to have their own taste in sound. But it would be nice to know the comment from an expert of this web site. Also compare it with other new receivers in this price range.

I love this site :D


I understand a lot people reading the review are current owners of the rxv-2400 and want to know if the rxv-2500 is a marked improvement, hopefully not from a buyers remorse perspective. However, I really believe that the review needs to compare the unit against similar units at a similar price range. Focusing on the incremental changes from the preceding model, especially since the rxv-2500 has come out close on the heels of the 2400, are mostly useful to those who have already narrowed their choices to one of the two units.

For those of us who are researching several models from different manufacturers it would be of great value to have a more comprehensive comparison between competing models especially power/amp and capacitor specs including practical testing of those specs.




Audioholics Master Chief
Let me try to address a few of your concerns:

1) Sound differences between RX-V2400 and RX-V2500

This was an impossible test for us since different people reviewed the two products in question and are not co-located, nor did we have both samples at the same time to do this comparision.

To make an educated guess, I would say the sound differences between these two units is minimal. They are very similar to each other and if you already own an RX-V2400, why on earth would you want to sell it at a loss in favor of the newer model which is very similar in performance and features?

Upgrading from the RX-2400 to the 2500 only makes sense if the features listed in our matrix are essential for your application.

2) Sound comparision between the Denon AVR-3805 vs the Yamaha RX-V2500

This was an impossible test for us since we have both samples at the same time to do this comparision. Would you have us rely on memory from over 5 months ago to declare a sonic winner?

It is best to compare the two units for yourself based on what features listed in our feature matrix at the end of each respected review are important to you. At this price point, sonic differences between models may exist, but are usually subtle for leading competitors such as the two in question.

Personally I prefer the bass management features of the AVR-3805, and active Dlink.

On the other hand, I prefer the DSP modes of the RX-v2500, user interface, and auto set-up.

Is there a declarative winner? It depends on what's important to you. We provide the info on the products, the pro's and con's, tour of the operation, objective measurements (when possible) and our subjective experience with the products. You decide on your own which product(s) fit your budget, requirements and preferences.


Let's also consider the room the HT system is played on, speakers, subwoofers, the total setup makes a great difference in the final results of sound quality.

Changing the RX-V 2400 for the RX-V 2500 because it's a new model and should be better, it's like saying: I have a Mercedes Bens that I love, but I like to change it because the newer model should be better.




Mr.T said:
Let's also consider the room the HT system is played on, speakers, subwoofers, the total setup makes a great difference in the final results of sound quality.

Changing the RX-V 2400 for the RX-V 2500 because it's a new model and should be better, it's like saying: I have a Mercedes Bens that I love, but I like to change it because the newer model should be better.
I assumed the Audioholics review conditions for the 2500 would be the same as their review of the 2400, so that is why I wanted to hear their thoughts on the sound quality differences - since variability due to different systems, room conditions, etc. would not be introduced as you note. There are also not many dealers that still have the 2400 AND 2500 in stock to do side by side comparisons on your own.

Further, I got a great closeout deal on my 2400 and could likely sell it for almost exactly what I paid for it. If the sound quality was noticeably improved in the 2500, I would personally think long and hard about doing just that and upgrading to the 2500. Assuming I could get a good deal on the 2500, I wouldn't be out that much money at all in the end and would consider the improvements to be worth that price. Maybe that sounds silly to some, but everyone has a different view on the value of upgrading.

As it stands right now, I will likely stand pat with my 2400.


If you are totally satisfied with the sound quality of your HT system, I would definitely leave thinks the way they are.

I am sure the selling price of the 2500 won't go down at least for a while, maybe until a newer model comes along.



Manic Miner

Junior Audioholic
But how about biamping? I do think that you in the CEDIA report said that you would try it when you received a review sample?

"We're guessing that you can employ our Denon biamping technique to the Yamaha RX-V1500 and RX-V2500 as well, though we'll give you a full report once we obtain our review sample."


Audioholic Chief
gene said:
Let me try to address a few of your concerns:

1) Sound differences between RX-V2400 and RX-V2500

This was an impossible test for us since different people reviewed the two products in question and are not co-located, nor did we have both samples at the same time to do this comparision.

To make an educated guess, I would say the sound differences between these two units is minimal. They are very similar to each other and if you already own an RX-V2400, why on earth would you want to sell it at a loss in favor of the newer model which is very similar in performance and features?

Upgrading from the RX-2400 to the 2500 only makes sense if the features listed in our matrix are essential for your application.

2) Sound comparision between the Denon AVR-3805 vs the Yamaha RX-V2500

This was an impossible test for us since we have both samples at the same time to do this comparision. Would you have us rely on memory from over 5 months ago to declare a sonic winner?

It is best to compare the two units for yourself based on what features listed in our feature matrix at the end of each respected review are important to you. At this price point, sonic differences between models may exist, but are usually subtle for leading competitors such as the two in question.

Personally I prefer the bass management features of the AVR-3805, and active Dlink.

On the other hand, I prefer the DSP modes of the RX-v2500, user interface, and auto set-up.

Is there a declarative winner? It depends on what's important to you. We provide the info on the products, the pro's and con's, tour of the operation, objective measurements (when possible) and our subjective experience with the products. You decide on your own which product(s) fit your budget, requirements and preferences.
Thanks Gene and Clint for the review. If we just compare the 2400 and 2500 reviews at this site that should be very adequate.
My 2 cents, if you don't have the 2400 and want a new reciever buy the 2500.
Again another informative and fine review. :)


surveyor said:
Thanks Gene and Clint for the review. If we just compare the 2400 and 2500 reviews at this site that should be very adequate.
My 2 cents, if you don't have the 2400 and want a new reciever buy the 2500.
Could you elaborate on your reasoning ? No offense intended at all, but not knowing you or the equipment you use/prefer, I tend to dismiss comments like this as "fanboy-ism". You may have excellent arguments for recommending a Yamaha, but saying nothing more than, and I'll paraphrase here, "comparing Yamaha's to Yamaha's is all I want from Audioholics" is rather brand-centric. Recommending to all who read this particular thread to just "buy the 2500" smacks of fanyboy rhetoric.

I do appreciate the effort that goes into producing a review and then making it available to all of us for free. Most of us are just trying to offer up suggestions that we feel would make the reviews more useful. How could the reviewers ever know if they are hitting the mark without some feedback.



Audioholic Chief
vermintrex said:
Could you elaborate on your reasoning ? No offense intended at all, but not knowing you or the equipment you use/prefer, I tend to dismiss comments like this as "fanboy-ism". You may have excellent arguments for recommending a Yamaha, but saying nothing more than, and I'll paraphrase here, "comparing Yamaha's to Yamaha's is all I want from Audioholics" is rather brand-centric. Recommending to all who read this particular thread to just "buy the 2500" smacks of fanyboy rhetoric.

I do appreciate the effort that goes into producing a review and then making it available to all of us for free. Most of us are just trying to offer up suggestions that we feel would make the reviews more useful. How could the reviewers ever know if they are hitting the mark without some feedback.

Thanks for calling me a fanyboy.I like how you start out with no offense intended.
My system is listed on this site (My Gear).


Audioholic Spartan
I am no fan of Yamaha products, but I thought the review was very good and may even take a look at the rx-v2500.

What vermin, and many others, seem to want is for the reviewer to tell them whether to buy it or not. That is why there are so many threads on this forum and others like 'Which receiver to buy', 'Bought receiver X, which speakers?'. That is not the purpose of reviews! You will never be satisfied relying solely on the advice of others.

The best reviews are those that describe in detail things like setup, the user interface, and any quirks or cautions - like how well it drives low impedance speakers or gets the size of the speakers wrong. The description of the remote pointed out many shortcomings - maybe that matters to you and maybe it doesn't, but those are the kinds of things you want to see in a review, because you wouldn't otherwise know about them until AFTER you buy the thing.

Keeping subjective 'listening' tests to a minimum (as the review does) is a PLUS. The reviewer's perception may or may not be the same as that of a potential buyer of the receiver. Besides, do you really expect them to have the time to compare the Yamaha to every other receiver in its class? One needs to do their own legwork before buying - read all reviews of similar models and draw your own conclusions (of course listen to it if possible).


surveyor said:
Thanks for calling me a fanyboy.I like how you start out with no offense intended.
My system is listed on this site (My Gear).
Actually, I really meant it. I was merely pointing out that your response, to those who don't know you, or the equipment you favor, would very likely view your response as being that of a Yamaha lover who is going to blindly defend the brand name (I still haven't checked out your equipment, nor is it relevant in the context of this discussion). I'm not saying that you are that guy, I'm just saying that this one particular response at this one particular instant in time sounds like a fanboy to me.

What I was really asking for was for you to clarify why you think comparing only the rxv-2400 and the rxv-2500 to each other is good enough. I find that information to be of limited usefulness, although it is useful. I was also interested in information about the power supply, amps and capacitors, but maybe I should just go buy it since, "Again another informative and fine review" , you seem to feel that everthing that needs to reviewed has been.



Anonymous said:
What vermin, and many others, seem to want is for the reviewer to tell them whether to buy it or not.

Really. Interesting read on it. As far as I can tell, every post I've made in this thread has suggested a comparison between 2 or more recievers including information on power supply, amps and capicitors, in addition to the rest of the review so I can make up my own mind. If all I wanted to have is someone to tell me what piece to buy I wouldn't here asking for more info and reviews of other brands (Pioneer for example which Gene has intimated may happen). Does this sound like a guy waiting to be told what to buy. If I was I'd just ask surveyor and he'd tell me to buy the rxv-2500. ;)


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